Chapter 17

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I pull up Semi and Oikawa's emails, sending them the photos we took this weekend. I pull up all the members from the team and email them photos I got from the short time we have known each other. I hit send and go back up the stairs.
Walking around my room, waiting for Oikawa to message me.

"What if he cancelled last minute?" I say, freaking out.

"If he does, I'll just beat him up," Semi states. "If it makes you feel better, I can buy you ice cream while we wait for him."

"You're only saying that, so I can forget about this date."

"Caught me red handed," Semi puts his hands up, like he's being arrested. "But if he doesn't message you, let's say 10 minutes. I'll buy you ice cream."

My phone dings, I pick it up as fast as I can. Turing it on, one new message. I click on the message.

"Is it Oikawa?" Semi asks.

"Nope, it's my mom," I say, looking up at him. "She wants to know if we need or want anything."

"Tell her to buy popcorn, you guys don't have any."

"Is that it?"

"Yep. If Oikawa messages you, I'll just have a movie night with your mom."

"Yeah, if he messages me." I say the last part slow and quite.

"Hey, he will," Semi says, he pulls me into a quick hug. "Oh, and do you guys have The Greatest Showman?"

"The Greatest what?"

"The Greatest Showman, it came out in 2017."

"Semi, what year are we in?"

"2012, why? Oh, ohh. I'll find something else."

"Yeah, you do that. And I will message mom back saying you want popcorn."

"Thank you."

I message my mom back. "Semi, it's been thirty minutes. No message."

"What time did he say again?"

"Friday, after school."

"And his school gets out before yours. Sorry Suga, but I think he's backing out."

"What if he does back out." I say, laying down on my bed.

"Why not message him. Or go to the park."

"I'll see you later," I say running out of my room. "Oh and, don't burn down the house."

"I won't. Don't forget about the ice cream if he doesn't show up." I hear Semi yell as I close the front door.

I keep running to the park, not look- ing back. I block out all of the sounds of the cars driving by.

I make it to the park. No trace of Oikawa. I take out my phone, no messages from him yet.

I sir on a swing right before the sound of thunder being heard. I look up to the sky seeing dark clouds circle around each other, covering the beeming sun.

The rain drops coming down hard like a waterfall, my eyes shoot open.

"What the hell." I scream.

"Well, you're still in bed when you have a date."

"You couldn't have found any better way to wake me up, Semi?"

"I tried, you wouldn't budge," Semi states. "Were you having such an amazing dream you forgot about your date?"

"Not really," I say, grabbing two shirts from my closet. "Which one?"

I hold up the two shirts, the first one being a white button up. The second shirt is a black button up.

"White one, the black one makes me think you're going to a funeral. Also, wear the white shirt with black pants."

"Thanks," I say rolling my eyes. "I was about to put on bright pink pants with the white shirt, on a date."

"You're welcome."

"I... that's not what I was... nevermind."

"Just want your date to be perfect," Semi says. "No crying afterwords."

"Yeah yeah." I walk out of the room to the bathroom.

"Hey, your hair is still wet." Semi says, he's laying on the bed, reading a book.

"Yeah, I had a shower, where did you get the book?"

"Downstairs, you were taking to long. Oh, and your phone buzzed a few times."

I go over to my phone, grabbing it. "Messages from Oikawa."

"I should have checked those, pulled a little prank on him."

"He's already at the park," I say. "Do I look okay?"

"Mmhm," he puts his fingers up into a box, Semi stands, putting his hands on my head and starts messing up my hair. "Better, now go get your mans."

I run out of the house, all the way to the park. He's not sitting on the swing, but infront of it; on a blanket.

"Hey." I say, walking up to Oikawa.

"Suga," Oikawa says. "Come sit."

I sit beside him, infront of the pair of swings.

"The trees always look beautiful after it rains." He says.

I look at him confused on why he would bring that up.

"But, you're more beautiful." He moves a piece of my hair behind my ear.

I look behind me. "Do you feel like we are being watched?"

"A little."

"I swear to God if it's Semi."

"It's not Semi-" A voice says, coming from the trees behind us.

"Idiot." Another voice calls out.

Oikawa stands up and walks over to the voices. He moves some branches, to reveal three people.

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