The Stalking..

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I'd arrive home exhausted, what was it? Was it when I was running? I don't know... I'd hop on the couch "ugh.. today was tiring" I'd fall asleep on the couch, Ed Sheeran would come in secretly and snatches your beloved body pillow of your fictional crush 😕. As you wake up and rub your eyes, you think about last night. that was such a scary night, I think I should ignore Ed Sheeran before things get worse... You go upstairs and change, grab your toast and run out like a track star. You'd see Liv and Ana, your adolescent best friends "hey~" Liv would say, Divine would watch in the distance. She's a nervous type of gal.  As you, liv, and Ana would walk to school you see Ed Sheeran talking to Daisy and pushing her what...what is he doing? You'd walk up to him, pissed. "What the hell Ed?! What're you doing" you'd say angrily "Y/N!!" Daisy would run behind you, hiding from Ed. "Oh! Y/N...Uhm." Ed would say in shock "Ed, stop it! You're not gonna win my "love" if you keep doing this." Ed would start tearing up then cry. "Ar-are you ok, Daisy?" You'd worry "Yeah.." She'd hug you and blush a bit. You and Daisy would hold hands.

End of chapter

Yandere Ed Sheeran x Male/Fem/Other ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now