Chapter One

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Seulgi only took two days to forge everything I needed to claim Miss Kim as my wife. I didn't know this woman's first name because she never allowed anyone to call her anything but Miss Kim, so I came up with my own.

I'm a nervous wreck as I step inside our small town hospital. I wipe my sweaty palms against my jean clad thighs and shake away my nerves. So many terrifying thoughts are running rapidly through my mind. What if she remembers who I am? What if the doctor doesn't trust that I'm her wife? What if I slip up somehow and call her Miss Kim? This better work....

"You're here for the amnesia patient?" A nurse questions skeptically as she strolls toward me. I nod at first feeling completely overwhelmed by my nerves. I clear my throat and fake a smile. I'm about to kidnap this woman.

"Lisa Manoban." I reach out my hand to politely greet the younger woman.

"Your wife...she's a..."

"A piece of work right?" I laugh playfully like I secretly love just how crazy my wife is.

"Uh, yes." The nurse chuckles awkwardly and sways back and forth between her feet, silently expressing her anxiety about this situation.

"Can't always judge a book by its cover, right?" I wink, inspiring a small smile to form by the nurse.

"Right. Well she claims she's married to a man..."

"Well I was her first girlfriend...she always dated men before me, but I swooped her right off her feet."

The nurse seems to accept my answer because she smiles sweetly and gestures for me to follow her. I exhale a slow shaky breath that I was holding. I follow the younger woman into a common room and she motions for me to take a seat. I sit down on the arm of a couch and wait anxiously for this hell of a lie to begin.

An older doctor enters the room with Miss Kim right on his heels. This man already looks like he is tired of her shit. The brunette's hair is in disarray, very unlike the perfectly sculpted masterpiece she always held before. She's wearing only a long, over sized hospital gown and robe and it takes everything in me not to laugh.

"Ruby Jane!" I scream as I leap to my feet.

"Ruby Jane?" She scoffs like she is personally offended by the name. I hurry to her side but she stiff arms me, stopping me dead in my tracks. "Who are you?"

"Really?" I pout out my bottom lip pretending to be wounded by her words. "I thought your memories would come back if you saw me."

"That's not always how amnesia works," the doctor informs me professionally inspiring me to fake a depressed whimper.

"Will somebody please explain who this Beverly Hillbilly wannabe is?" Kim sarcastically huffs while folding her arms protectively across her chest.

I glance down at my clothes and smile knowing this outfit was going to piss her off. I picked out my most washed out jeans with gaping holes in the knees. I chose an over sized button down flannel and a jean jacket tied around my waist.

"There's the sassy woman I married!" I wrap her petite frame into my arms and slam her against my body with force causing a harsh breath to escape her lips.

My new wife wiggles and swats at my arms until I release her from my death grip. I smile like an idiot just to irk her even further.

"I'" She whispers forcing me to choke back another laugh.

"You weren't always, but spend an afternoon with me and you'll remember why you switched teams." I hear the nurse and doctor behind me snicker and now I can't help but let out a small chuckle.

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