Chapter Four

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"So how's it going with Miss Kim as your maid?" Seulgi teases as she helps me lift a piece of granite for a vanity.

I really needed help today so I could finish this project on time so I recruited my best friend to help. Luckily she usually only works nights at the diner with me so she's pretty open during the day unless she is doing some other odd jobs.

"She's alright. Not much of a cook. Seulgs she torched pop tarts. Pop tarts for crying out loud!" Seulgi and I laugh as we set the heavy piece down onto the vanity.

"Have you done anything with her yet?" Seulgi wiggles her eyebrows suggestively but I just scoff in response.

"Dude, she's only been at my house for three days and anyways I will never lay a finger on that woman. She called me every white trash, redneck name she could think of when I worked for her. I'm far from a redneck," I huff and shake my head.

"Yeah but she's super hot."

"Yeah but neither of us is even gay!" Seulgi and I both laugh and continue on with our work.

"How are the kids adjusting?"

"They are fine with it..."

"What's wrong?"

I groan and roll my eyes because I hate this topic of conversation so much. "She's already on me for our kids behavior. It's been two days and she wants us to discipline them more."


"I know," I hold up my hand silencing my friend. "I know, she's not wrong but I don't want a stranger disciplining my children. Her behavior was far more appalling than my kid's, before she lost her memories."

"I get it but she's not acting that way now. Maybe it will be good for your kids."

"Seulgi, what do you expect me to do? I either work my ass off and keep the house while feeding my children or I stay home more to pay attention to them and lose the house."

"I know Lisa, I know you are struggling but now you have help, come up with a new plan."

I know Seulgi is right, I just wish I could send prissy pants to work so I could stay home with my children. I just know that woman isn't qualified for anything but professional sunbathing and I'm pretty sure they aren't hiring.

I didn't have to work at the diner tonight so I was excited to get home and relax with my little ones.

"Hey guys!" I stop dead in my tracks when I see my children all crowded around one chair. Haruto is throwing grapes at Ruby Jane while she seems oblivious to the world around her. "Guys what happened?" I drop my tool belt and rush to Ruby Jane's side. "Haruto stop that!"

"She needs food mom!" He counters as he pops a grape into his mouth.

"What did you guys do?" I yell at them as I examine the woman's blank expression.

"Nothing!" They all screech in unison causing me to scowl. I hate when they all agree, that means nobody is willing to rat the other one out.

"Ruby Jane?" I reach forward and skim the back of my fingers against her flushed cheek.

"She's doing much better," Drew declares with a bright smile and an over active head bob.

"What do you mean, better?" I question as I turn around to face my kids.

"She's not going ba ba ba ba ba ba ba," Haruto imitates in a low growl.

"I like it when she goes a ba ba ba ba ba ba ba," Drew giggles and dances in place.

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