Chapter Sixteen

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Every muscle in my back is as stiff as a board. I slowly stretch my long limbs but the pain is too much causing me to wince and recoil. There's an even stronger stiffness in my neck for falling asleep against the armrest of the couch. I grab the side of my neck and slowly roll my neck to loosen the muscle. My temples are pounding as if there is a tiny rock band in my head, putting on their loudest concert yet.

Last night was indefinitely the hardest night of my life. After Rub-Jennie left, Seulgi sat with me as I drowned myself in a bottle of vodka. Which resulted in me becoming a blubbering mess. I cried my eyes out like some teenage girl who had her first heartbreak. I'm fairly confident Seulgi didn't understand a damn word I said through my drunken state and heavy sobbing.

My face feels sticky and puffy from my tears. My throat is hoarse from crying and attempting to explain my feelings. All of that doesn't compare to my broken heart. I swear I can feel the organ tearing apart causing a sharp pain in my chest.

"Rise and shine Paris Hilton!" Seulgi sang cheerfully as she bounced down my stairs.

"Ugh, stop yelling," I groan as I attempt to push myself into a sitting position.

My head is too heavy for me to keep it up. My brain feels like it's swimming around through a thick swamp. I rest my elbows on my thighs and bury my face into my hands.

"I bet you feel like a semi ran you over," my terrible friend teases while laughing at my expense.

"Not cool dude," I mutter as I unsteadily stand from my couch and shuffle to the kitchen. I couldn't stand to sleep in my own bed last night without her.

Coffee. Coffee is a necessity at this point. Not just a necessity, it's my lifeline if I want to survive this day.

"The kids are up," Seulgi mumbles as she follows me into the kitchen.


I sluggishly tramp around my kitchen to begin brewing coffee and making breakfast for my kids. Seulgi hesitantly sits down at the kitchen table and watches me carefully from a safe distance. I can feel her eyes boring into me, as she tries to figure out the state I'm in. 

Truthfully I have no fucking clue where I'm at right now with my emotions. I just know my head is pulsating from this hangover and I'm trying to focus on staying in the upright position so I can get my kids off to school.

"What?" I finally snap at my friend as I pour myself some coffee, refusing to look into her eyes.

"Are you going to bring her back?"

"What? Are you insane? Were you not there last night? She smacked me across the face and left," I scoff and roll my eyes at the stupidity of my friend. "She said herself, she doesn't belong here!" The volume of my own voice makes me cringe. I close my eyes and slowly rub my temples hoping to relieve some of the pressure.

"Well last night you-"

"Last night I was wasted. You know better than to trust drunk Lisa, she has a mind of her own."

"I don't think that was drunk Lisa. I know that was you talking, don't try to use your state of inebriation to cover up how you truly feel."

"Please stop talking, your making this headache worse," I grumble while I pull the eggs out of the fridge.

"Here let me help you," my friend says in her sticky sweet voice, assuring me that she is being sarcastic.

Seulgi bends down to pull out some frying pans while I pull out all the food. My friend makes it a point to slam down each frying pan against the stove causing my head to teeter on the edge of exploding. At this point, I'm begging for it to explode, put me out of my misery.

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