Chapter Seventeen

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"Okay guys, are you ready? Remember, lick, drink, then suck," I explain with all eyes on me. My entire kitchen staff and Yang all nod along with amusement dancing in their eyes.

I raise my shot glass and wait for the men to follow my lead. We clink our glasses together and proceed with slamming back the tequila. I can't help but laugh at the way Yang's face scrunches up as a visible shudder courses through his body.

"Otra vez," my chef encourages has he begins filling the shots glasses.

"Again?" I chuckle but I'm already nodding along. Anything to numb this nagging pain deep in the pit of my stomach.

"I must say Miss Kim, this side of you is a breath of fresh air," Yang confesses as he slices a few more limes for us.

I twist my lips as shame bubbles to the surface. I was a real bitch to these people and there's no excuse for my actions. Just like there's no way I can take the past back.

"I'm so sorry Yang," I reach across the counter and gently place my hand on top of his. "I mean it, there's nothing I can say to express how truly sorry I am, but I'm sure willing to prove to you that I have changed and I will never be that person again."

Yang lightly taps his free on top of mine with a sincere smile forming across his lips. "I know Miss."

"Please, Jennie," I smile sweetly but he just smiles along. I'm sure old habits are hard to break. I pull away from my employee and smile wide. "Alright, again!" I cheerfully state while lifting my next shot glass.

"Ma'am we have to return to work," my chef shyly informs me as he starts cleaning up our mess.

"Yes of course, I'm sorry. We shall pick this up later."

My staff files out of the room leaving Yang and I behind. I inhale sharply and decide he's probably the only person I can speak openly to on this yacht and won't judge me.

"Yang," I cautiously say to grab his attention.

"Yes ma'am?"

"Everyone thinks I'm crazy, for the way I've been behaving." His dark eyes are filled with sorrow as he watches me intently. "Wh-what do you think?"

A small smile tugs at the corner of his mouth. "On the contrary ma'am, I do believe you had the opportunity to live both sides of the spectrum. A woman of class and riches and a woman to live without any money but maybe riches in another light." I listened carefully to his words hoping I could find some answer to my unsettling feelings. "I believe, that since you were able to live both lives, it will only make you stronger in the end. I have never been prouder than I am now. The woman I see before me is a kind, gentle soul, with compassion and heart. No Jennie, you are not crazy. I think for once, you are whole."

I frown slightly from his beautiful words. The emotions building up inside inspire me to pull the man into a thankful hug. His breath hitches for a moment before he decides to relax and hug me back.

"Thank you Yang. Thank you! Now there's something I need to do." I pull away from his arms and watch a smile creep across his face.

"You go get her ma'am," he whispers causing a small squeal to break from my lips.

I rush out of the room and skip my way with one destination in mind. "Captain."

"Oh Miss Kim, hello. How are you feeling?" The older gentleman kindly questions.

"Very well, thank you. I need you to turn this boat around." I take a few steps closer and place my hand on his upper arm. "We need to head back."

"Oh," the man frowns but he quickly does what he needs to do to follow my orders. "Will be heading back to New York again soon?"

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