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I know that I am standing in front of a school. It has brown walls and the roof is an even darker brown. My last school was gray, and it had a gray roof. This school has a really big tree. My last school just had cars around it.

"Well, looks like this is her" said a rather large lady walking towards me. She's short and she leans down to speak with me. Her smile is wide and her glasses are dangling off of her nose.

"Are you ready?" she asks.

I nod. I did not want to talk yet. If I talk, she'll make me talk even more.

"Alright then, let me show you the way" she smiles again.

The large lady tells Mommy and Daddy that she's the principal and that my 3rd grade teacher will treat me nice. The principal's nice because she smiles a lot. The teacher is nothing yet because I have not seen her.

Inside the brown walls is browner. Brown mat, brown doors, brown tables. The floor is white and so are the inside walls, so it's not very brown. The stairs are tall and I do not like going down them to go to the classroom.

"I'm going trip down these one day" I thought to myself.

My classroom is the first one on my right. The principal knocks and the door opens. I can't see inside yet, I'm still behind Daddy.

"Hi, I'm your teacher Ms.Robin."

I step aside because I'm curious. I see my teacher, who's going to be nice to me, and she does look nice. Her smile is nicer than Mrs.Principal and she's not as large.

"I'm Ms.Robin and I'm going to be your teacher. Come inside and meet your classmates!"

Mommy and Daddy kiss my head and tell me to be good. I'm always good and I'll stay that way. My dress gets scrunchy so I flatten it before I walk in the room.

"Remember I'm Mrs.Stanford and you can tell me if you need anything."

I nod again. Then, they leave and I'm with my new class. Ms.Robin calls everyone over to the carpet and I follow. I sit closest to her because she's the only one I know. She pulls out two cards, one has a house with just a triangle and a square. The other card has a house that actually looks like one, with windows and a door.

"Which one do you guys think is better?" she asks.

This is an easy question.

"Why isn't anyone else raising their hands?" I wonder.

I want to raise my hand and answer but then they'll all look at me, so I'll keep my hands in my lap. Ms.Robin looks around and just picks me. I didn't raise my hand but I want to answer, so I will answer.

"I like this card better because the house is more detailed and the other one is just boring" I say while pointing at the card that was nicer.

She smiles. My old teacher did the same thing when she liked my answer so that means my new teacher likes my answer.

"Wow, you must be smart."

Ms.Robin did not say it but someone else did. I look to my left and a boy smiled. He has curly hair and a shirt that is too big on him. I did not know him but I smile back because that is the nice thing to do.

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