The Return of Kamen Rider Ichigou part 2

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The Alliance were surprised as Takeshi Hongo, the first Showa Rider, stood proud, facing Ikadevil and Ninja.

Ikadevil: Nooooo! *shocked* It can't be! I thought you're gone!

Takeshi: Really! I came a long way to stop you, Ikadevil! And I also sported a new upgrade.

Ninja: No. Not another one!

the Alliance were amazed to see a Showa Rider here, alive.

Ryder: Marvelous. Tsukasa. Who is that?

BM Blue Ranger: Yeah! Who is that guy?

Gokai Red: Minna, that man there is Takeshi Hongo or Kamen Rider Ichigou for short.

KR Decade: He leads the seven legendary Riders and fights humanity.

Super Megaforce: A Showa Rider. Cool!

Dora (fairy form): Amazing!

Nella (knight): Cool!

Mighty Skye: You said it.

Mighty Rocky: Yeah!

but Ninja and Ikadevil were not amused.

Ninja: I'll be back. Ikadevil, deal with them! *disappearing*

angry, Ikadevil then whipped his tentacles again as he snarled at Takeshi Hongo.

Ikadevil: You have beat me once, Takeshi. *whipping his tentacles* You have no one to help!

KR Zi-O: Actually, he has help. *walking up to him*

Takeshi: *shocked* Oh, you are......

KR Zi-O: Zi-O! I'm an ally to any Riders! Sa, Ikuze!

Takeshi: Right! Hoh! *summoning his belt, his upgraded typhoon belt*

Takeshi: *doing the traditional Rider pose* Ikuzo! RRRRIIIIIIDDDDDERRRRR! HENNNNNSSSSHHHIIIIINNNNN!

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Takeshi: *doing the traditional Rider pose* Ikuzo! RRRRIIIIIIDDDDDERRRRR! HENNNNNSSSSHHHIIIIINNNNN!

{Sound of Typhoon Belt spinning}

that he transformed into KR Ichigou (upgraded form), the first Showa Rider

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that he transformed into KR Ichigou (upgraded form), the first Showa Rider.

that both Riders nodded and charged into battle while the others watched the battle.

On the other side, Ikadevil attacked Zi-O but deflected its punches and began kicking it. KR Ichigou then ran and jumped before punching Ikadevil multiple times which got hurt. Then, Ikadevil, who is now hurt and weakened, stumbled back and saw the Riders together as one.

KR Ichigou: Ikuze!!! *activating the finisher*

KR Zi-O: I heard that twice, Ichigou-san! *activating the finisher too on his Ziku-Driver*

Ziku-Driver: Finish Time! Zi-O! TIME BREAK!


KR Ichigou: RIDER........ KICK!

that both Riders jumped and rider-kicked together to Ikadevil who stumbled back in pain before both Riders landed and posed. For Ikadevil, he screamed in pain before exploding into bits.

both heroes dehenshined before smiling to each other.

Takeshi: Takeshi Hongo! *smiling*

Hikaro: Hikaro Cabral! *smiling too* Follow me. We have so much to discuss.

that Takeshi followed the Alliance to the mansion where they will know why the Alliance are here in the first place.

(Kadoya Mansion, hangar)

In the Hangar, Takeshi told the Alliance that he was alive and wanted to help them on the mission.

Hikaro: Well, yes. You can join the team.

Houston: I agree with him.

Takeshi: Thank you, Hikaro! *smiling* I'm happy to help.

just then in a flash of light, a Ridewatch appeared and landed on Hikaro's hand, surprising the Alliance.

just then in a flash of light, a Ridewatch appeared and landed on Hikaro's hand, surprising the Alliance

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that is the Ichigou Ridewatch, one of the legendary Ridewatches of the Showa Riders.

Red Woz: Amazing! *smiling to Hikaro who gave it to him* This is the start of a new era. Sugei!

Black Woz: You said it. With this, we can find other Ridewatches so we can use it for defeating the Masters of Evil and the Quartzer Syndicate for sure.

Houston: Yeah!

Robert: Well, let's rest for a while. We have a big day tomorrow.

Hikaro: Yeah! Let's have fun!

that after a long conversation, the Alliance stayed in the Mansion while the others trained and worked hard.

But, their adventure is the start.

(the Nemesis)

The Fallen: Overlord Baron! *looking at him* I heard rumors that Ichigou, the first Showa Rider, has returned. WE must avoid Ninja at all cost and you must get all the negative energy to revive me. The rest of you, resume. Understand!

Overlord Baron: Yes, master!

Masters of Evil: Long live the Fallen!

Will the Alliance stop the Masters of Evil or Ninja?

Next Time: Quiz in the set

(Pre-Credit scene)

In the realm of time, Ninja was mad because Ichigou has returned.

Ninja: My plan has foiled. *angry* All I need is... someone I could help.

that a portal appeared and a young man in a purple attire came and smiled evilly.

Ninja: Welcome back..... Lafyone Chronos. *smiling evilly*

Lafyone: Thank you, Ninja. Now, It's time to put our plan into action...... to destroy Zi-O!

What is their plan? Will they defeat Zi-O or not?

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