The birth of Zi-O II

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(Mirror World or Dlrow Rorrim)

Back in the mirror world, Zi-O and Mirror Zi-O are still fighting and were still sword-fighting each other.

Mirror Zi-O: Yield! *slashing wildly* Yield! YIELD!

KR Zi-O: I will not yield, mirror me! *blocking Mirror Zi-O's attack* Well, if you're me and you might tell I might yield, so the answer is no!

Mirror Zi-O: YOU!!!!!!! *angry* Then, DIE!

that Mirror Zi-O then punched Zi-O who used his sword to shield but Mirror Zi-O slashed it, making the real Zikan Girade disappearing into light. Seeing his weapon is gone, Zi-O then ran before punching his mirror self with incredible punches but Mirror Zi-O then dodged before punching the nexus rider, who stumbled back and had fallen down. 

Seeing his opportunity to defeat Zi-O, Mirror Zi-O then desummoned his mirror-like weapon before activating his finisher on his Ziku-Driver.

Ziku-Driver: Finish Time! Zi-O! *distorted noise* Time Break!

Mirror Zi-O: *sternly* ZI-O.......... TIME KICK!

that before Mirror Zi-O rider-kicked Zi-O, who is getting up, the mirror world then shines bright as the sun before making them disappeared.

But, where did it sent them?

(Dunwitty, outside of a random glass shop)

Back in Dunwitty, everyone is waiting for Hikaro when the mirror in the glass shop began to shine and ripple before Hikaro and his mirror self came tumbling down in a pile. Everyone then rubbed their eyes before seeing this.

Jun: Guys. Are you all seeing what I saw! *shocked*

Chizuru: HOLEY GUACAMOLE! *mouth-opened* Two Hikaros. That's something you don't see everyday. *mouth-opened*

Black Woz: Oh my! That's strange, isn't it.

James: Mind-Blown! *doing a mind-blown style*

Zandar: You said it. *agreeing*

Amber: But, how?

Hikaro: *standing up* Mirror World, of course. *looking to his mirror self who just stood up* Listen up mirror me, I don't understand what is going on but I have a duty and that is to become king of time and to protect humanity.

Mirror Hikaro: No! Nononono. *cutting his sentence short* You must not take the power of time.... 

that Hikaro then snarled and did a fighting stance in front of his mirror self.

Hikaro: Make me, slime-face! *clenching his fists* Or I'm going to pulverize you like dust.

Mirror Hikaro: Is that you can do, you Dimwit! *doing the same*

that both of them began to argue and shouted at each other, but was interrupted by Sofia who separated them both.

Sofia: STOP! Stop this, please! *making both Hikaros stop* Please, stop arguing. it doesn't matter if you can take the power of time, you have to use it for good not for bad. It takes great responsibility to use the power of time whether you choose to use for good or bad.

When Hikaro heard it, he then remembered Ben Parker's words, 'With Great power comes Great Responsibility.' to Peter Parker that he calmed down.

Hikaro: You're right. *looking at them* My destiny is to protect humanity and to take the mantle of Zi-O. To do so, I must carve a new future and use the power of time wisely. That's what a true hero can do.

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