High School

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Lisa's POV

It's been a few years now since Shane and I started being friends.We're in 9th grade now.  My relationship with Joey wasn't good because we broke up last year. I was ok with it because I like Shane anyway. But the bad news was I am moving in one month (when school ends for summer). I didn't know how to tell Shane. He will be so heart broken. Then someone tapped me on my shoulder breaking me from my thoughts, it was Shane. Well I guess now was as good as any to tell him.

"Shane, I need to tell you something."

Shane's POV

Since i started being friends with Lisa, Joey hasn't messed with me. I havebeen in a better mood thank God. I was about to walk to first period, but I saw Lisa. She was so beautiful with her blonde hair cascading down her back.  But I couldn't tell her I was in love with her because I knew she wouldn't fall for a guy like me. But anyways I walked up to Lisa and tapped on her shoulder getting her attention. She turned around with a gloomy look on her face.

"Shane, I need to tell you something."

"Ok. Tell away." I said with a smile.

"I'm moving when school ends."

"Oh." My smile slowly faded to a sad one. I felt my heart break in a million pieces.

"Yea. Bu-but I coming back. I just don't know when."

"Yea, but it's always good to get to see another new place to explore. But I'll miss you so much though."

"I'll miss you too!"

She hugged me. Her embrace was so loving and warm I never wanted to let go. A month will go fast but we have to cherish the time we have together.

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