Wedding Day

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Lisa's POV

Today Shane and I are getting married. Soon I will be Lisa Dawson. (Well Lisa Yaw because of his real last name) I can't hold in how excited I am! Oh it's time to walk down the isle. Wish me luck!

Shane's POV

Everyone is together for Lisa and I's special day! My mom and dad are here. Also Lisa's parents are here. I didn't want my dad to miss this day because we're making up lost time. Anyways they call everyone to get situated because the bride is coming. The classic wedding music flows swiftly through the church. Out of the wooden doors walks a Lisa I've never seen before. She looked stunning like a big beautiful polished diamond.  We finally held hands when she got to the altar. I could see how excited she was. And so was I. We said our vows.

"And you may now kiss the bride."

I took advantage of those 7 words and swooped Lisa down and kissed her with so much passion. Now she was officially My Lisa - True Love.

~~~On Their Honeymoon~~~

Shane's POV

I carried her to our room "bridal style" and layed her on the bed.

"Wow Shane I didn't know you had it in you!"

"I haven't run out of energy yet." I had a seductive look on. She knew what I was talking about.

"Oh really?! Well show me then."  I couldn't resist anymore. I went for her like a hungry lion. We were kissing, then I layed her down flat on the bed and kissed down her body. I raised her up and sat her on my lap. Then as you all know I got a boner from it. Something just came over me and put her on her back. I close to her vagina and questioned if I should go in. I looked up at her.

"Are you ready to do this?"

"Um  I guess so if you're ready." With the conformation, I slid into her.  ** I'll just leave it at that guys. :X ** It was my first time and it felt so good.

~~~~~Next Day~~~~~
Lisa's POV

Yesterday I'll never forget. I got married and had the best sex. Today I got up and went to the dollar store and bought a pregnancy test. Later on I came home and did it. I was shocked by it's results. I went up to Shane to tell him.

"Shane?" He turned around.


"I'm pregnant."

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