Joey, Please

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Shane's POV
It was a 5 bedroom house. When I walked in, sunlight filled the house. There was 2 staircases; 1 on each side. There was a bedroom on the 1st floor and the rest upstairs. 2 bedrooms for each staircase. Everything was just about white. I knew someone with that style. Jason? Jeffrey? Is starts with a J.

:Hello Shane." I froze in my tracks.He peeked out the bedroom. "Glad you could make it."

"Uh...yea. Where's my family?!"

"Right here." Jasmine was in his arms. Lisa was hand in hand with him on his right side. When Lisa saw me her eyes lit up with a beautiful smile.

"Don't we all look cute together?" He said proudly.

"Hell no!" Each time he said a word, anger and jealousy was filling me up rapidly.

"Sheesh. Here's Lisa." He spun her over to me. I wrapped my arms around her waist. "I had fun with you Lisa." He winked at her. She hid her head into my chest.

"Give me Jasmine."

"She is mine now." He took his mask off.
"Joey!" My eyes almost popped out of my head. Lisa now realizing who it was started crying on me quietly.

"Yes. It's me."

"Joey please give her over to me."

"Why should I?" Disappointment fill his eyes.

"She hasn't been alive long enough to know who her real father is. When she grew up would you want her to wonder why she look so much like me and Lisa instead of you and Lisa? When she was born, that was the happiest day of life other than getting married to Lisa. I want to have memories with my first child. She's my baby girl and I love her." Jasmine started to cry and so did Lisa.

"Ok." When he handed her to me, she nestled up in my arms and stopped crying. Sorry for the trouble.

"It's ok Joey we forgive you. If you want to, you can be the godfather?"

"Yes I would love that!"

"Now, let's all go home."

"Yea. I agree."

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