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So I design book covers or videos but I'm not as professional as it might sound but I do have a fair share of experience with it, so it'd be a great help to me as it would promote my work and for my experience as well as you'd also gain from it.

First of all please follow me or dm me here or in my IG account @_.bookcoverslog

So if you've dm-Ed me here you would have to send me your email-id so that I would share my work via email.

Please dm me the following information:-
i) Story Title
ii) Author Username
iii) Synopsis/Brief of your story
iv) What would you want to specifically add to cover ?

NOTE: Please don't forget to mention the about the change of book cover to your readers in the sense like promoting yourself and me as you have to post a part in your story about the change but in mine I will promote you here further in near future.


BOOK COVERS Where stories live. Discover now