Other fan fic

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Do y'all know the fan fic books Restraint and Volition by endlessimaginations ? Dirty books 😏 buttt Grace left us hanging omg. Since I redownloaded wattpad yesterday I was literally up this whole night re reading those two fan fics only to find out she never finished the book and it's been like 3 years😭 I'm so sad they were my favorite. I do hope she comes back one day. I was almost thinking like what if someone else continued on the book, cause I need to know what happens to Lisa and Harry omg. I was almost thinking about doing it myself but my imagination writing process is nowhere near as good. So I have no idea how i would continue it. It seems like a fun thought but I definitely don't think mine would be as good as the original. If I were to do it I'd hope people would read it and I still hope Grace comes back and finishes the series at least :( I don't think I'll do it but if I did I'd give all credit and if she came back to finish I'd delete my version and let the queen continue hers. Ughh but i don't know, I miss her, and I want the series to be finished😭😭 Her not continuing the series was honestly probably the reason I deleted wattpad a couple years ago ong.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2021 ⏰

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