(3) Christmas dinner:pt.1 - updated

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I can't believe I'm actually back here. I promised to never come back to this god awful town, but here I am. I left this place when I was 16, and I'm only back because my dads sick and this could be his last christmas. I would never forgive myself if I didn't spend this time with him.

I've been sitting in my parked car outside of my parents house for 20 minutes trying to work up the courage to go inside. I tried smoking a bit to calm my nerves, but all that did was make me paranoid that my mom would smell it on me so I stopped.

"Come on (Y/N) you can do this! It wont be so bad, just stay here for two days without trying to kill someone! Thats easy!"
I try to convince myself but I know there will be a fight there always is.

I work up enough strength to get up and go inside. I step out of my car and open the trunk to pull out my travel size suitcase but as I pull on the handle it breaks and I fall on my ass.

This just isn't my fucking day.

While I was walking up the steps to the front I came up with fifty excuses why I shouldn't go inside, but I still ended up ringing the doorbell.

"Oh my goodness (Y/N)? Your hear?" My mom questions as she opens the front door I dont know why she is surprised, I told her I was coming,

"um yeah I said I was coming today..." I say

"oh well I just didn't know if you would actually show... Well come in my dear," my mom says. She's acting weird.

Walking through this house freaks me out cause literally nothing has changed, its the exact same as it was when I left,

"your father is just resting in the living room, he's having a bad day." My mom tells me.

Once we enter the living room I see a man lying on the couch with two tubes in his nose that is connected to an air tank. He's really not doing well... "(Y/N)? is that my little (Y/N)." My dad says trying to stand up and hug me. "Hi daddy,"  I say trying to hold back my tears.

I wish I didn't act the way I did when I was younger. I was a bad kid and gave my parents such a hard time. My dad always tried to defend me and protect me, but when I got pregnant he couldn't help me anymore. He gave up on me, and I dont blame him I gave up on myself to.

I sat down with my dad and talked. I told him all about how I got a job as this head chef at a five star restraunt in New York, and he explained all about his condition. He dosent have much more time, "so my love how long are you here for?" He asks, "oh Richard you lnow shes only here for a few days." My mom says, and before thinking I say "actually um... I would like to stay longer... Just for like a week or two... If thats okay?" I can't leave him right now.

After all the times he was there for me, I need to be here for him.

"Abby and Tom should be here tonight, It'll be nice to see them again!" My mom says as she brings my suitcase up to my old room. Oh yay Abby and Tom, the world's shittest siblings. "Cool," I reply "Its been five years since you lived under the same roof, please try and be nice tonight," she asks and I nod.

Being back in my old room is so weird, like the rest of the house, it stayed the exact same. All my old stuff is exactly where I left it even all the old pictures of him are still on the walls... I wish my mom took them down.

The doorbell rang throughout the house and I knew my brother and sister were here with their families. I walk downstairs to find my brother and his wife and baby, my sister and her son, my aunt Madge and uncle Ben, "Oh my god! (Y/N)?" Abby yells and runs at me with open arms, "hey Abs," I hug back, "how are you??? Its been so long I can't believe your here!" She asks. Abby and I never got along. She's always been my mean older sister but its been years since then. Maybe she's changed.

Everyone went in the living room to mingle, but my sister and mom went into the kitchen. I was walking towards the kitchen door to see if they need help with dinner when I over heard them talking... About me.

"Does she know mom," Abby asks, know what?

"No but she will... I seriously didn't think she would show up.... How was I supposed to know?" My mom whispers a bit she sounds scared. What the fuck were they talking abo- my thoughts are cut off when I hear the doorbell, "oh fuckkkkkk!" I hear my mom hiss. From what I remember my mom never swears. What is going on?

I hear someone answer the door, and I know something bad is going to happen. As I walk closer I can hear my mom welcoming someone in, "please come in I'm so glad you could make it," my mom says, "of course thank you for the invite!" Oh my god there is only one person I know with that thick british accent that... Anne.... Oh no.

I stop dead in my tracks when I see whose standing by the door. I'm at a loss for words. The boy who I left so many years ago, now a man, standing before me. I never thought I would see him again.

"Holy shit," he says, "(Y/N), what... What are you... Doing home?"

Im trying so hard not to scream or cry, or run out of this house and never look back, but I can't run away, not again.

"Hi.... Harry."

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