(4) Christmas dinner: pt.2 - updated

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"Hi... Harry."

Was all I could manage to say.

We stood there in awkward silence for about a minute before my sister saved me from having to say anything else. "So why don't you guys come in and we can all eat!"

We all walk into the dining room to find our spots at the table, and of course I'm sitting across from Harry. We start out our meal but Harry and I sit in complete silence. I have nothing to say to him and I hope he doesn't have anything to say to me. There are small little conversations formed throughout the table when Harry starts talking to me,

"I'm sorry for coming Y/N... If I knew you were going to be here I wouldn't have came."

He says, "oh why's that? Is this awkward for you Harry? Are you uncomfortable?"

I snap back, "come on Y/N you know it is," 

"well Harry I really don't give a fuck how you feel!" I know im raising my voice but I honestly don't care.

I'm so unbelievably done with everything right now. My mom invited my ex boyfriend to dinner because she thought I wouldn't be here, and what really confuses me is she hated him when I left, so why would she bother to invite him now?

"You know what, you don't get to be a bitch! Your the one who left, so don't fucking act like this is all my fault!"

Harry and I are full on yelling at each other at this point, and our parents have seen this many times in the past, so they know to leave us alone. "FUCK THIS SHIT I DON'T NEED TO SIT HERE AND LISTEN TO YOU!!!!" I yell while jumping to my feet and storming out of the room, "oh no you don't Y/N, you dont get to run away this time!" I know Harry is running after me.

As I storm out of the room I here my mom try and get up to stop us from whatever fight we are going to have, but my dad stops her, "let them go Susan, its been a long time coming... They need to let it out..."

I quickly run up stairs into my old room and slam the door. I really don't want to do this now, I guess we have too, "open the door Y/N, we need to talk," Harry yells while banging on my door, I swing it open to see a frustrated Harry standing there. "What is there to talk about??? Its been five years Harry, I have come to terms with things, and I know I made the right choice! And its not like you even tried to talk to me after all those years! You... You didn't even try..." I start to cry. I was planning not to cry and to stay strong, but he always finds a way to break me down.

"How was I supposed the handle the situation? I was 16... I wasn't ready to be a father..." Harry says, "and you didn't even give me a chance to come around. You told me and then the next day you were gone! How do you think that felt? To know you left to have our baby and I couldn't be there to help you? And when you went to stay with your grandma after.... That ruined me...." Harry is trying to fight back his tears. "And don't stand there and say I didn't try, I tried so hard to find you but your mom wouldn't tell me! I loved you... I needed you here..."

When I got pregnant, I panicked. My parents were done with my shit. They wouldn't help me, and when I told them they sent me to live with my grandma until I had the baby. When I told Harry about the pregnancy he freaked out, but he was perfect. He acted the way I dreamed he would, and that scared me. I didn't want to keep the baby, and I knew if I stayed he would want too. So I didn't give him a choice..... I left the next day.

"I'm sorry Harry.... I never meant to hurt you, believe me..... I wanted to do what was best for the baby and you."

Tears are now falling faster then they should, "and, um Kailey... Our um daughter, went to a good family... Who loves her," I cry,     

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