(2) Bad day - updated

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I walked into my house after a long day at work. I threw my bag down on the side table and immediately took off my shoes.
As I started walking upstairs, I heard a noise which sounded like glass shattering.

"Harry?" I asked.

"Its alright, stay downstairs" 

I didn't listen, I walked up the rest of the stairs and reached our bedroom. I opened the door and saw Harry sitting on the edge of the bed with his hands in his hair. He looked up at me.

"I said stay downstairs," he snapped.

Thinking back on my day today, I should be in his place; angry and tired. But seeing Harry not in a good mood gave me an idea so both of us could feel relaxed. I walked over to him and stood between his legs. He started to say something, but I stopped him by kissing him lightly.

"What are you doing?" he smiled into the kiss.

"Do you feel better?" I changed topics.


He gripped me by my waistband, threw me on the bed. He hovered over me and his lips went straight to my neck.

"You always make me feel better," he whispered into my ear.

His fingers fumbled with the hem of my shirt and pulled it over my head. Next, he pulled down my pants along with my panties.

"How was work?" He asked while rubbing circles on my hips.

"Terrible," I breathed.

I was getting wetter with every turn he did with his thumb on my hip.

"I can make up for your bad day." He mumbled against my lips.

He removed one of his hands from my hips, and I moaned from the loss of contact. He brought that hand to my bach and unbuckled my bra. Sliding the straps down my shoulders, Harry whispered dirty things in my ear. He threw my bra on the floor, and I was now completely naked while Harry was fully clothed. He looked my body up and down and licked his lips.

"Your so beautiful," he licked my jawline.

"Let me undress you," I whispered.

"Yes ma'am," he said with a smirk.

I slid his shirt over his head and tugged his pants and boxers down.

"Im gonna make you feel so good baby," He hotly whispered.

He slid his tip up and down my slit making me wetter.

"Harry dont tease."

"Why not!" He asked with a smile.

Right after he said that, I grabbed his c*ck and slammed it inside me.

"Fuck, (Y/N)," he buried his head in my neck to keep from moaning out.

Our legs tangled together and my nails ran down his back, Harry thrusted in me slowly, knowing he was teasing me with the pace.

"Harry please," I whined.

"Please what," he smirked

"Change speed."

He then went even slower then before which pissed me off so I pinched his arm. He got the message and immediately started thrusting faster. The new speed was incredibly fast, the head board was slamming against the wall.

"Is this what you wanted," he asked through gritted teeth."

"Y-yes," I stammered. I clenched my walls around him, signalling I was about to cum.

"Fuck, (Y/N), do that again." He breathed.

I did it one more time and he realeased into me right after I did. He lyed on top of me and rested his face in between the valley of my breasts. I laughed and pushed his head to the side. He looked at me a smile slightly.

"That... was amazing." I could feel his hot breath against my nipple, and it made me shutter.

"You teased too much," I chuckled.

Just as he was about to disconnect from me, I rolled over so now I was on top.

Harrys face held a confused expression.

"Ba-" I cut him off and sat on his c*ck.

"Christ, (Y/N)," He threw his head back.

I started bouncing on his hardening member and Harry slapped my ass a few times.

"Now its my turn to tease,"

I licked his earlobe. I lifted myself all the way off of him and used my hands on his chest to keep myself up.

"(Y/N), stop," he begged.

I didn't listen and held myself in the air. After a few seconds of Harry whining, he gripped my waist and yanked me back down.

"You fucking tease." He whispered into my ear. He grabbed ahold of my tits to keep from bouncing as I bounced on him.

"Im gonna cum baby," he mumbled.

I replied with a moan and he came right after. I wanted to cum, but I held it in, wanting to see what Harry would do if he notices he didn't make me cum.

I stayed sitting on him and rested my head on his chest.

"You didn't cum," he said aruptly.

Before I could answer, he flipped us over and crawled down my body. His head went between my legs and I immediately felt his tongue against my clit. He flicked it a few times and that was all I needed to release.
He licked all of it and kissed my thighs. He crawled back up my body and kissed my lips, letting me taste myself.

"You always taste so good," he mumbled against my lips, I moaned in response.

When he pulled away I took the advantage to ask him something.

"What is it that broke?"

"Your hymen," he smirked and licked my neck.

"No, we broke that a long time ago." I giggled. "I mean what did you break today I thought I heard glass or something shattering."

"Oh nothing it was just some jar in the bathroom,"

"Oh okay," I kissed him again and we layed in each others arms like that the rest of the night.

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