The Great Detective Sleepover

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I walk with Kyoko in silence. She is obviously trying to hold herself together, and it is taking every last ounce of her will power to keep herself from curling up on the ground. I feel the same but on a lesser level. I have lost too many people I care about. I cannot let the same thing happen to Kyoko, Toko, Byakuya, or Hiro even if it costs my own life.

As I make this internal promise, we almost pass my dorm. I stop Kyoko before she walks any farther.

"Come on, Kyoko. Let's go inside." I barely see a nod, but it's there. I unlock my door and guide her inside. It's only once I shut the door that she finally collapses. I grab one of my weighted blankets, carry Kyoko to the blanket fort I made with Byakuya, and drape the weighted blanket around her shoulders.

I offer her some snacks I stole from the kitchen. She reluctantly accepts some chips and a granola bar after realizing that I wouldn't give up. After all, she still needs to eat.

"Do you want to read something, or do you want me to read to you? We don't have to do either if you don't want to."

"Can you- Can you please read to me? That sounds kind of nice."

"Sure." I give her a gentle smile before finding the most lighthearted book I own. I sit back down at the blanket fort, pile blankets on and around us, and begin to read.


Kyoko fell asleep before I finished the third chapter. I tuck her into the mass of blankets and pillows around us before trying to sleep as well.

To say it didn't go well is an understatement. When I tried to sleep, I kept having nightmares about Mei, Chihiro, Taka, and now Celeste I can say that I am growing used to the death all I want, but my subconscious refuses to let me repress it and grow emotionally distant. I still get attached. I still have to watch the people I like die or go missing. Nothing changes, but my brain refuses to let me forget or learn from it.

It never lets me forget anything about their deaths, even smaller details: Mei's final smile, Chihiro's look of betrayal, the giant dent in Taka's head, and now the smell Celeste's skin burning. Those thoughts pound against my skull every day and keep me up at night. I feel a tug on my shirt, pulling me out of my thoughts. I look and see Kyoko trying to get me to lay back down.

I slowly lay back down. Not even a few seconds later, Kyoko wraps her arms around me and falls back asleep. Guess I'm not getting up now. It's like when a cat lays on your stomach. It chose you and now you can't move an inch, because you don't want to run off. I curl up inside Kyoko's arms and before I know it, I fall asleep.


I hope you enjoyed the fluffier interaction between you and Kyoko. See you next chapter!

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