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The Order

CHAPTER ONE☼▕  The Order  ▏

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She loved being alone. She loved curling up on the large singular armchair in her father's study with a good book wedged between her fingers.

She loved being alone, not feeling alone.

Anastasia snuggled deeper into the wool blanket draped over her frail body. Her eyes were so entranced by the ink words on paper that she hadn't registered her father calling her name.

Someone sneakily snatched the book, making her eyes dart up in discomfort.

Leo slid a bookmark between the pages before shutting the book and sliding it back onto the empty spot on the bookshelf. "Moony's been calling your name for the past five minutes. Breakfast is done."

"Oh, come on," Anatasia protested. "I had two more pages left until the next chapter!"

"Too bad," Leo retorted, snatching the blanket off her as well.

A sudden chill crawled down her spine, spreading goosebumps all over the exposed skin on her legs. She carefully stood up and stretched.

She grumpily followed after Leo into the kitchen where Victoria already sat munching away at her breakfast plate.

Her father was standing in front of the stove, a black spatula in hand. Something was cooking in a pan and he had his usual apron on. He was lightly swaying his hips to the music he had put on the record player. He swiftly turned around and slid the eggs off the pan onto the plate in front of her. It was also decorated with a variety of berries and bacon, a glass of water was placed next to it.

Anastasia hopped onto one of the bar stools. Her father slid her plate over to her and clicked off the stove. She noticed two other plates on the counter covered by paper towels, most likely to savor the food.

Leo made himself comfortable in front of one of the paper towel-covered plates and ducked his head to examine the food on his plate.

Remus leaned against the counter, "Any plans on this sunny day?" His hand wrapped around a navy mug. Anastasia rose her eyebrows at her father as she took a bite of her breakfast.

"Luna invited me over today," Victoria announced after gulping down her orange juice. "We were gonna go exploring the woods behind her house to see if we could find any new creatures to add to our exploration journal."

Remus opened his mouth to state his concerns, but Sirius strode in with a big grin and placed a small kiss on his lips that the three children grimaced at.

"Sounds fun, Vic," Sirius grabbed the last plate that was placed next to Leo that Remus had made for him. "Do you want me to bring you over there?"

"No, I was planning to take the floo."

Anastasia peered up at her father to see if he was gonna add in his opinion but she found him looking speechless and quite puzzled for some reason.

"I'm probably going to go back into the study and finish my book that someone rudely interrupted." She gave Leo a side glance which he stuck his tongue out childishly at her. She retaliated with her middle finger making Remus' eyes widen.

Sirius snorted into his mug of tea but cleared his throat when he saw Remus glaring at him. "Tiny, be nice to your brother."

"Go outside and get a tan. Merlin knows you need it." Victoria chided with a playful smile.

Anastasia scoffed and chucked a strawberry that hit Victoria's eyeball.

Victoria smacked a hand over her newly throbbing eye. "Ow, you arse!"

"The mouth on these children," Remus mumbled shaking his head while waving his want to retrieve all of the dirty dishes in the sink.

"Hey!" Anastasia protested as her half-full plate floated away from her. "I wasn't done."

A loud sound filled the manor as it shook from a newfound presence that has just apparated inside.

It went quiet before the sound of heels aggressively clacking against the wood flooring. Remus and Sirius shared a tense look but it quickly faded away when a fuming Lily Potter stood in the entryway to the kitchen.

The ends of her red hair sparked and her green eyes swirled in frustration. It looked as if she'd just gotten off of work due to her attire. Black shiny dress pants clung to her slender legs, a white tank-top was tucked into the pants showing a perfect amount of cleavage, and a matching blazer pulled the whole look together. Black strappy heels made her a couple of inches taller and minimal makeup coated her face.

"We have a slight problem going on at The Order."


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