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Party Party

CHAPTER FORTY☼▕   Party Party   ▏

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Anastasia stirred, feeling a pair of eyes on her as she slept. She fluttered her eyes open only to see Ron looking down at her and Harry with a scowl on his face.

It all happened so fast that Anastasia let out a high-pitched scream that made Ron jump back a few feet.

"Bloody hell, woman. It's early in the morning if you couldn't tell." Seamus grumbled, pulling the covers over his head.

"Ronald what the fuck?!" Anastasia whisper shouted, glaring at the ginger. Harry stirred in his sleep, flipping over to lay on his stomach as he slung his arm over her stomach.

"He's too touchy with you." Ron pointed out, sounding a little overprotective.

Anastasia let out a small laugh. "And Lavender isn't touchy with you?" she snapped back, getting angrier as the flashbacks of her comforting Hermione to sleep while she cried.

"Lavender . . . is Lavender . . . you on the other hand are basically my sister and excuse me if I don't want some boy being handsy with my sis -"

"This boy is your best friend," said Anastasia, running her hands through Harry's hair. Ron went to speak but she is a hand to silence him. "Go back to sleep it's too early for me to be dealing with your bullshit."

"You can't tell me -" Ron cut himself off when an orange orb was right in front of his face, centimeters away from the tip of his nose. The heat radiated off the fire, fanning his face.

"Go. To. Bed." Anastasia gritted out with a feigned sweet smile.


Anastasia let her white towel drop to the floor before she slipped on her undergarments. She put on her robe and began doing her hair and makeup.

A while later, Hermione came into the bathroom fully dressed and ready.

"I'm gonna get going. My date's waiting," said Hermione, not sounding too enthusiastic.

Anastasia tore her eyes away from her hair, setting down her lip liner. Her eyes scanned Hermione's appearance before looking back at her face.

"You look stunning, who's the lucky date?" She asked, applying her nude lipstick and fluffing her hair that was now in waves.

"Er - Cormac Mc -"

"WHAT?" Anastasia screamed, her eyes bludging as she whipped around to face Hermione.

Hermione winced, taking a few steps back so she was in their room while Anastasia was still in the bathroom. "IhavetogosoI'llseeyoulaterbye!" She rushed out, darting out of the room before Anastasia could protest.

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