Gamer Girl

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11 October, 2012. I was 11.


My brother, the geek, was literally shouting around the house with his newly bought video game. "I can't believe it! It's Second Life! Best video game in history!" he walked around wide-eyed, staring at the game's cover like a 6-year old. And I have to admit, I'm a geek too, but he's freaking 19! Like seriously, he's a pretty immature adult don't you think? The annoying sound of his shouting died down as he continued walking, staring down at his game. Totally fixed. He looked like a hobo, not even knowing where he was going. So of course, he bumped into the wall of the hallway, and I couldn't take anymore but laugh at his over-reaction. I was right there, standing in the hallway and looking at him, laughing. He rubbed his head and looked at me annoyed. Surprisingly, he laughed too. Not exactly the point I was trying to make, so I just rolled my eyes and wondered off into my own little world. His laugh died down suddenly after he noticed I had vanished, making him frown "Oh wow sis, leave me out of words like that!" he shouted from the hallway. Pfft, he's naturally a 10-year old on the inside. I shook my head, he wasn't very pleasing to be around with either as you can see. I could hear his footsteps get shallower as he went into his room to play the game. I'd join him, I mean, I have to agree the game sounded way awesome, just like that old MMRPG game, World of Warcraft was it? Fantasy, monsters, awesome graphics, and best yet, it was a virtual reality. I'll repeat that, VIRTUAL REALITY. Which meant you could actually BE in the game! How cool is that?! But really, I had stuff to do. By that, I mean, homework. BORING college homework... Can't believe all those years in school and I still have to go through this hell? My brother as well, though of course he would wait for until he at least gained a couple levels in that game of his. I could hear the noise coming from his room, music... I could tell it was from the game, "Lan, come play this game it's awesome!" I heard a faint cry- my brother. Though the first thing I noticed was the word "Lan" in his sentence. My name! He actually called me by my name, impressive. Now, he was inviting me to play the game. I was totally going! Anything is better than homework, and a good video game would be my first choice. I immediately got up from my chair and turned around, smirking "Might have saved my life!" I thought, storming out of my room into the hallway. To tell the truth, I was way excited for the game; though I was not immature like my brother to be shouting around the house like that. I could see my brother opening his mouth to ask me to come again as I turned into his room. Door open like always, he closed his mouth when he saw me. I beamed as I noticed his room was totally out of the normal; grassy, clouds on the ceiling, sun shining on the top, a couple trees, and as I turned to face the left, the giant logo of the game, which had a couple weapons crossed on its name. Woah. Though, of course, it was all virtual, not really real, but it sure looked like it was! This was just the beginning. My brother opened his mouth again "Sis, we need to start this, it's so cool!" His eyes would have literally turned to hearts as he seemed way into the game already. Like me, basically. I went over to him, stepping into a whole different world. I looked around and awwed "This is amazing!" I thought, too amazed to even say a thing. Even the puffy clouds moved! Slowly, of course, like in real life. Right out of the sudden, my brother turned me to look at the logo, which was now gone and it seemed like something weird was happening "We're getting in Lan!" My eyes widened as the front screen (wall), turned into a mini world, with several more different worlds around it. "This is our final decision before getting in! Help me choose a world" the amazingly high-pitched voice beside me said. I simply nodded, moving my eyes from each world. First one was pretty simple; grassy fields, brick houses, trees, and low leveled monsters... kinda like a town with a grassy field and some woods on the background. For beginners basically. "I think we should start off with this world, it seems easy" I suggested, turning to my brother. He raised an eyebrow,"Lan that's a piece of cake!" He said as if the coolest person on earth. I rolled my eyes "Well whatever, not my fault if we get killed" I continued looking at him for a reply. He smirked. I knew this look and sighed "I don't care really... but please put something appropriate" I said, sounding bored. He crossed his arms "I'm 19, you know" he replied. I facepalmed myself "Really?" I asked sarcastically "That's not what I meant, but you know... level appropriate" I wanted to tell him he was just being dumb, but I was smart enough not to, because his stubbornness outreached mine. His face brightened "Oh, yeah, I knew that!" I rolled my eyes, turning back to the screen. He faced the screen too, as his expression changed to a smirk again. I already knew what was coming. He pointed to an unusual world, which from what I could see was not very level appropriate; Technologic-like stuff with mighty monsters and awesome weapons... it looked kinda like Tron. I raised both eyebrows when I noticed what he was pointing to and tilted my head down a bit, looking up at him as if asking "Really?" He, of course, with all the braveness in the world, nodded. The world was cool-looking, but we were so not ready for this. We are amateur gamers, in training, freaking level 1 players. Though, of course, doing my best wouldn't hurt. And with this total hobo sidekick, I would need luck.


A/N- I had written chapter 2 of this also, but it was lost.

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