Kingdom Bleck

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Originally titled 'Boulevard of Broke Dreams', this was written on January 15, 2013. I had just had my 12th birthday at the time. Also, the bolded A/N is what I had written then too. I believe this was also inspired by a roleplay. This is one of the reasons why it is a personal favorite... that roleplay was one of the best (if not the best) roleplays I have ever had! Kingdom Hearts is such a fun franchise to write about!


A Kingdom Hearts story about Roxas, Axel, and Xion. Yes, if you recognize the title it is from one of my favorite songs that's called "Boulevard of Broken Dreams" and I just thought the title fit so that's what I put. And lastly, this story is a request for Haley R---, who loves the trio as much as I do!~


Prologue 1

She was surrounded by darkness. Nothing more beyond, nothing less. But could you even get past the boundaries of pitch-black? Not known to humans... both Somebodies and Nobodies. It was her first glimpse of the world, but when she opened her newly-formed eyes, the world was simple nothingness. Blank... no, worst than that, Black. With a capital B. She was a lucky, human wasn't she? Getting her very first impression with nothing but darkness... how pleasing.The girl was confused with questions like 'why am I here?' Why didn't she remember anything? She tried to squint her eyes through the blackness and try to see or remember something, it came out blank. She was clueless. And lonely. Yet, did she even know what being lonely was actually like? She didn't know anyone besides herself, so she didn't have anyone to be lonely from anyway. She didn't know a thing about anything. When she looked down at herself, she could feel a soft cloth wrapped around her body as she touched it with her hands. She tried to see again, but everything was still pitched. She could only move her hands over herself to feel and try to picture what she looked like. For a foreigner, it was weird- if it wasn't for that piece of cloth, she would be naked. But what would she know about embarrassment? In her mind, others could wander the streets naked as well, no? She didn't know. After caressing the cloth, her hands moved to her abdomen, legs, feet, chest, and everything else. But as hard as she tried, she couldn't imagine anything, it was all new to her, as if she had just been born... but the weirdest thing was that she was created a pretty developed self. Not a baby, like usual newborns... but did she even have a mother for that? No. And she was special because of that. She sighed when her attempts at new knowledge failed. What was she going to do now? Who was she?

Suddenly, she heard sounds coming from afar and gasped. "What is that?" she thought, a bit frightened.The sounds continued to attack her delicate ears as her breathing shallowed. Then, suddenly, light. A terribly bright beam of light shone down on her and she shrieked at the sudden change that almost blinded her. The light caught a sparkle of her dark blue eyes as she turned away and huddled into a ball for protection. Her dark hair shone in contrast with the light, and she shook, refusing to look up in fright. In the other side of the scene, a human looked down at her smiled, "Well what do you know" the voice said, calm and boyish.


Prologue 2


The red color of the sky over the horizon blended with the black of night that creeped in over most of the darkening sky like a blanket full of twinkling sparkles that formed the stars. Blond and red locks blended right below it as if it was part of the picture.The shadows of two figures connected over it from the top of the majestic Clock Tower. The building towered high past all the other buildings in Twilight Town. High enough that you could see the whole skyline of the small town melting over the sunset. The figures both smiled as their eyes traveled as far to their limit over the beautiful sky, "Why's the sunset here so beautiful?" the smaller figure asked, as the voice drifted as if it was singing.The larger figure shifted hands as it leaned back and looked at it's friend,"Why ask me?" it started, "I have as much knowledge as you do" it's voice was a little deeper and cunning than the first one, but also soft and calm, just like the scenery around them. A moment passed as silence flooded them again. The sun dropped even lower, making a match over the figures' hair as it shone around their shadows. The bigger figure had blood red hair, and the smaller one had blond... and both were spiky. After a few seconds, the red-head broke the silence "But I do know this" it started again "Oh, here we go again" The blond thought, but stopped himself from saying anything "I know why the sun sets red" The red-head looked at the dimmed sun and then turned to his friend. "Light is made up of lots of colors, but red is the one that travels the farthest," he finished his usual speech and smirked. The thought made him pleased. His hair was red, after all. The smaller figure laughed softly "You always say that" he started calmly "And you're full of yourself because of it!" he teased as his voice raised. The larger figure turned to him and playfully pushed him "Because that's what friends are for, to push you off the ledge!" he said and they laughed. After a while, the blond asked "Axel, I've been thinking... do you think we have hearts?" when it escaped his lips, the red-head tensed for a second and sighed "Roxas, I hate to say this but... we're literally Heartless like normal Nobodies... right? I don't think there can be a way for us to have hearts..." He turned to Roxas "Maybe you do" he smiled and Roxas mindlessly gazed at him. He looked down.

"Sometimes I wish I was someone."

"Don't say that."

"I mean it, nobodies can't run away, they can't live their own lives. They're trapped with the Organization."

"...You want to run away?"

"I want to live my own life."

Their little conversation was making Axel feel uneasy. He had never thought of running away. Why would he want to anyway? He was a nobody, and he dealt with it. But Roxas... Roxas seemed to be one of those people who thought ahead of the limit and dreamed bigger than most. Axel could picture Roxas leaving his old life behind, searching for a reason to exist. But he couldn't picture himself sitting there in the Clocktower everyday eating Sea-Salt ice cream...alone. "If you run away... I'm coming with you."

And that was it. They were off.

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