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My mind was still on the whole shoot-out that took place and i've been thinking of ways to approach it.

Right now, my goal was to get to Pow, but something in my body was telling me not to make any moves yet.

As funny as it sounds, I had a feeling he wasn't the nigga I should really be going after. Deep down, I had someone else in mind. I felt like I was being watched.

"Bernie been really tryna stomp my ass ever since I took Dove's place," Sierra informed me the moment I sat in front of him.

"Aint he yo' uncle? Why everyone in yo' family selfish over who's in the game? You both could share power and take over the city together." I leaned back in my seat, glaring at the ceiling.

"Because he wants his son, Elijah, to take over his spot. He wants him to have an advantage because his scary ass thinks i'll represent the family name, so he been sending people to get rid of my ass. Everything he's done ain't work though." He rolled up a blunt and lit the end.

"So you finna just sit here and let them attack you or are you going to step up and fight back?" I tapped my foot on the ground.

"I'm actually meeting up with Elijah, but I think you should come along. The last time we spoke, your name came up and what he said was interesting as hell.." He passed the blunt around to me and I hit it swiftly.

"The fuck did he say? I don't even know Elijah like that for him to be bringing my name up or speaking on me." I just now found out that the nigga existed.

"You must've forgotten that his dad is the TOP A1 in our city. He has mad connections. Just cause you don't know him don't mean he don't know you. Imma just let you know right now, don't come without backup cause' I don't even trust him my damn self and we cousins."

Everything he was saying made sense. Niggas who were making big money, had knowledge on everyone in the metropolitan community because they needed to keep tabs.

My dumbass just had to be apart of the many drug smuggling niggas so my name will always be on that list. Even my kids and grandkids to follow.

I nodded, brushing my hands over my eyes. "Well, when do we meet?"


When I got to the apartment, there was a box sitting inside the house. I peaked down to see that it was wrapped and had a blue bow-tie on it.

On the side of it were words in cursive congratulating the baby boy we were about to have. I thought about opening it, but decided against the thought.

Today, we were supposed to officially get everything moved into the new apartment. I had a few boxes left that Flame was supposed to help me with but he just kept running his mouth about bullshit I didn't care about.

Sometimes I wonder if I can return him to the prison in exchange of getting my name removed off their search list.

"Then Chyna said det' Fiona was sleeping around with her man. I ain't even surprised cause' deep down I knew she was on some funny shit," Flame spoke into the phone and I rolled my eyes. "YES BRUH!"

He gossiped like a bitch and I couldn't tell if that was a good or bad thing, but I left it alone.

"Um, where you going?" I asked Nessa, who had flip flops on and shades over her eyes. I don't know why she was dressed like we were in Florida.

"To eat!" She walked out the door, but I pulled her back inside the house.

"We just got back from eating."

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