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It's been two weeks, and everyday of those two weeks i've just been depressed. May's words were a constant repeat in my mind and it hurt.

I don't want to say that i've been distant with Jovan, but I have. We barely talk or speak and right now I don't even know if we're in a relationship.

He's made effort to speak to me, but I can't bring myself to say anything back because i'm simply just hurt. It's obvious he's hurt too.

On top of all that, I lost my dad and I can't help but think that maybe this was karma since he wasn't able to face his consequences, so now I have to.

LITERALLY, he was just telling me how he didn't want history to repeat itself and he was protecting me from that, and now look where i'm at.

"That's how generational curses work." Diana stood beside me, patting my shoulder as we stepped in front of their graves. "They pass down the family line until someone breaks it."

"Please Diana. Don't touch me." I shuffled passed her, turning around to see Jovan standing with a batch of roses in his hands.

We stared at each other for a split second and he seemed like he wanted to speak, but kept his silence as he walked past me and placed them down in front of our sons stone.

When we found out he was dead, we immediately rushed to the hospital, trying to figure out what had happened, they said lack of oxygen due to strangulation.

That night they tried to arrest Jovan and I, saying to the cops that we abused and murdered our son when in reality, we did nothing.

I ended up spending a few nights in custodian jail, while they looked over my records and Jovan did what he does best, ran and hid off so he wouldn't get caught in the system again.

They weren't planning on letting me out until after checking video recording of what happened the day I was giving birth.

I wasn't sure who was dumb enough to choke a fucking first born, but as of right now, no one was trusted. Not even my own boyfriend and if I ever get the chance to find out who did Kahari like that, i'll kill them my own damn self.

My biggest fear, for now, was about what would take place tomorrow. Jovan and Keondre are supposed to be getting their mouths swabbed so we can see who the father of Jessicas child will be.

Not gonna lie, it'll hurt me if he's the dad. I'll actually just leave him and ask that we never see each other again because she'll be able to give him something that I couldn't.

"Hey sweetie." Kayla pulled me into the tightest hug and my heart ached slightly. "It's going to hurt okay? I understand what you're feeling right now and I know you spent hours giving birth just to loose him, but don't give up okay?"

I nodded my head with tears in my eyes, returning the hug. "K-Kayla can I ask you something?"

She pulled back and stared at me. "Yea?"

"How in the HELL did you get over this shit?" I laughed between tears, "What drugs you be taking? Crack? Cocain?"

She twisted her lips to the side, trying to keep from laughing, before direction her eyes on me. "It takes time and a little bit of therapy, which I think you and Jovan should consider doing together since you're not speaking anymore."

I shook my head, turning around to see him staring at the stones. Then he gave Kayla a weird look as if she did something. "He doesn't need me anymore Kayla. What reason would he have to even be with me. This is why i've kinda did something..."

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