Dear r/relationship_advice 6

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Dear r/relationship_advice

She's planning to skip town, to maybe be a nice girl from somewhere else!?

She's planning to skip town, to maybe be a nice girl from somewhere else!?

By: DarkAndTwistyDoctor

Dear r/relationship_advice,

You'll never believe what happened! McHot was looking for McAss (formerly McDreamy) all day to tell him that she signed the divorce papers. And she finally found him! I was working with McAss at the time on a patient who needed a Shaymin, and she came in a beautiful outfit telling him they needed to talk. And then she winked at me.

I got her a coffee, an iced one just the way that she likes it. With the vanilla syrup and the cream. I considered tasting hers to see what it tasted like, but I thought that would be deceitful so I ordered one for myself. It's delicious! And what's even more juicy is that I asked if she wanted to hang out with me, and she says that she might. Then I hid her a card in her mailbox. I hope that's not too desperate. It has a flower attached. Not a rose, that's too obvious, but a nice flower.

She does smile at me a lot. In a nice way. I think she's looking into my soul when she does. And then later today she said she would hang out with me! So we went to the park. And we had lunch, and she had these fancy cheeses with some fancy crackers and italian bread. It so so delicious and she told me about her day, and how she likes surgery, and how she has a brother she adores even though he can be annoying. I get that, I think that if I had siblings that I would be annoyed at them too. And she said thanks for the coffee, and the picnic, and she said she'd like to do it again sometime.

Only the problem is, she confessed to me that she's going back to New York! She only came here on a temporary contract, and she came to see if she could get Derek back. But she promised him she'd be out of here once they're divorced, and they're nearly divorced, so she's moving away, and she was the one good thing I had going for me other than my friends.

And I didn't want her to see me cry, so I just nodded, and she told me about her practice that she had with her friends there, and how she's going to live in one of the properties she and Derek used to own. And I asked her if she was going to date anyone, and she said that she didn't know yet, but maybe. And she didn't say anything more than that so I still don't know if she likes girls.

And now I'm a mess, because how can I confess that I like her if she's going to disappear!?

She asked if I was going to date McAss after she left, and I told her no. AND GUESS WHAT SHE SAID!? She said 'good girl,' again, and I nearly died on the spot. I choked a little, on my water. And she patted me on the back and she told me I'm too good for him. And then she helped me pack up the picnic, and she said she was going for one last drink in this town before she left and said I could join if I want to. And I'm going to. Because it would be rude not to...


Ty readers, here's what I have in response:


I love the name McAss, it seems to suit him. As for McHot, did you ever get that picture? Anyway, as I was reading this, I was proud, I was proud that you finally admitted that you like her, have a crush, or just really, really, want her. Good for you, I still like the idea of just bringing her coffee, or whatever else she may like. Try to ask her how her day has been going, how she likes where you both live right now? I think she may like you some, not sure how much. But usually the wife doesn't smile at the mistress, they usually want to hit them or something like that. As I read the relies on here I can't help but wonder if maybe she is a reader? Or if she has her own account? No matter what, keep being nice to her and helpful, one of these days you will surprise bus and tell us that you and her shared your first kiss.

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