Dear r/relationship_advice 7

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Dear r/relationship_advice

Spoiler alert: She's not single anymore, b/c now she's with me!

Spoiler alert: She's not single anymore, b/c now she's with me!

By: DarkAndTwistyDoctor

Dear r/relationship_advice,

Okay, so I'm back, and now I have Ruler_Of_All_That_Is_Evil looking over my shoulder ;). So to tell you the story, I went to meet her in the patient room, and she showed me all the messages, and I thought she was gonna yell at me (now she's making a pouty face). And she didn't, because she bit her lip and she told me she liked me but she was too scared to tell me. And when she found the Reddit thread she thought it was me, and she kept watching it to see if I would admit that I liked her back :) :) :).

Okay fans, I'm a reply to your messages and then I'll tell you more about it!


I love that you went on a picnic with McHot, I'm sure she had a great day with you. You are lucky that you saw her thigh, lucky you. If her friend didn't want to tell you, that's understandable, it really is. However, I'm thinking she is a little bi, or a little bi just for you?! I like that you have her a flower and a card, what type of flower did you give her? Each flower has a different, meaning, did you leave your name on the card? Or did you just leave it with no name?

When will she be taking off for New York? That sucks, maybe she needs a reason to stay? Is there anyway that you can give her a reason to stay?

I love that she tells you "Good Girl", especially when she knows you won't be taking back McAss, to me, I think that means she likes you. I really hope that she stays, and I hope you let us know.

She seems amazing from what you have told us so far, give her a reason to stay..

Okay, I love that we went on a picnic too. Oh no oops, I forgot that she read these posts and now she's smirking at me, and she put her hand on my wrist and she's moving it to her thigh. Message received. She's totally bi for me, she got my card and my post-it, and flowers, and she has them in a vase now. There was no name on the card, I was a wimp but she figured out it was me.

Oh, New York. So that's actually what she came to talk to me about. She said she got a divorce, and she would stay to try dating me. She would stay for me. Isn't that romantic!?

(She said awe).

So now she knows exactly how much I like it when she calls me a 'good girl,' and she whispers it in my ear, and it makes me all hot and bothered. What have you all done to me!


Dear OP,

Let's cut to the chase. Were you her good girl and did you go see her in room 2005? We want to know what happened. In detail. Unless you had sex, in that case just tell us that.

And hello, McHot, I'd love to know how you found this thread (OP, perhaps she was looking for advice? She likes you.)

Mm, okay now it's a bit weird to hear that from strangers, but yes, I was. And I don't need to tell you everything that happened, but my hand is still on her thigh if y'know what I mean. We didnt have sex yet though because it's too soon. Even if I want to. Oops where's the delete button?

Cut in from Ruler_Of_All_That_Is_Evil, she says that she was actually gonna post a thread about being in love with her husband's ex-mistress, but she saw this one and she didn't wanna make it too obvious.

Awe, that's cute, and I guess I can't really talk, because I was too scared to interact with her for ages.


Dear OP

Goood for the lunch (picknick date), it seems like she liked it a lot as well. As for the moving, make her have a reason to stay here!

The winking and 'good girl' again? Come on, she is definitely into you!

For the hot redhead on top of you, or you on top of her, try both and then decide.

Omg omg omg! That last response.. was that...?

Maybe, this was the push she needed and now you are having hot steamy sex with her. I bet it isn't vanilla with her, you have a praise kink, she sounds kinda kinky, that will work itself out..

Keep up updated! 3

Hello there, thanks for all your advice over the past few days. The picnic was lovely, and yeah, okay I didn't pick up on the winking I was too scared to look into things. (Now she's winking at me on purpose).


Now she's whispering into my ear about the whole 'on top of her, or her on top of me thing.' I asked her if she had a preference and all she said was "it depends." WHAT DOES THAT MEAN!? Anyway, in reference to the vanilla vs. kinky debate... She says she likes... Everything...


This is gonna be a long day... And a long night... Once we get to that...

It seems to be working out, thanks very much ppl.


OMFG I am dead!

Mmkay, so I thought that that was gonna be me. Seriously, I thought it was gonna be my being all dead over here because who posts about their creepy crush on their boss' boss on the internet? But it seems to be in my favor, because she asked me out on a date and we're getting tacos tonight. And I love tacos!

So thank you all.

My friends don't know we're together yet because nobody knows yet because it's too soon. IDK how her/my ex is gonna respond but that's a battle for another day.

She's kissing me now so I'm gonna have to stop messaging and pay attention to her for now but byeeeeeeee for now.

Ps. Any more cute date ideas for us?

- DarkAndTwistyDoctor & Ruler_Of_All_That_Is_Evil







Author's Note:

This work is inspired by r/relationshipadvice

by villhag

and on that fic, the commenters would act as Redditors and try to give the OP some advice.

Feel free to participate if you like as personas in the comments, and I'll keep them in mind to respond to in future chapters. Thank you so much to those who have contributed so far. As you can see, they have inspired this chapter.



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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2021 ⏰

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