Chapter four.

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Chapter four

(Review of previous chapter)

Sesshomaru tightened his fists. No, he would not let his anger control him. He would continue to live on, he would get through college then, maybe... just maybe, he could live again.

He sighed, letting his anger release with his deep exhale. He collapsed onto the couch, he really needed to chill.

(End of review proceed to story)

Sesshomaru laid on his couch, his arms lazily thrown over his face. His father was an asshole. A devious asshole, always poking at open wounds in a seemingly innocent way.

His father was the one who used to abuse him during his boyhood saying it would 'toughen him up'.

Sesshomaru scoffed at the thought, moving his hands so they elevated above his face. He opened his eyes, letting them focus on his huge palms.

His father was also the one who used to come home late at night with the smell of booze and perfume radiating off of him... after his mother cried herself to sleep.

Sesshomaru shook his head, letting his hands fall to rest behind it. Everything was his father's fault, he realized that. It took him a few years to finally stop blaming himself for his father's habits.

Yes, he used to blame himself. Always walking around with his head down, because it seemed that his very face would enrage the man. He made himself scarce, hiding from the elder male, the only people who mainly saw him was his mother, Jaken, and himself. He didn't trust anyone else. But the man always found him.

Once his father burned his face, it took him years to heal from it. Even after, he had two long stripes along his cheeks, that never healed.

Sesshomaru shook his head slightly, it did not bode well to dwell in the past. Sesshomaru sat up and threw his legs over the side of the couch and placed his elbows on his knees, leaning on them.

He sighed and ran a hand through his hair, the soft silk playing at his fingertips. His troubled golden eyes found the small chest that sat in the center of his coffee table.

He took in the intricate carvings that wrapped around the small keepsake, his golden gaze looked upon it intensively. Sesshomaru stood up slighty, barely stretching his long legs, and reached forward, grabbing the small chest.

His fingers brushed along the elegant cravings, turning it in his hands. His curiously intense gaze glided over the chest, slowly examining it. He took note that there was no lock upon the item. He turned it in his hand, glancing at the bottom of the keepsake, it was engraved with a small message, addressed to him.

'My dearest Sesshomaru, hold your head high for tomorrow will come with a new challenge.

Be prepared, young one.

Love, Mommy

P.S...I love you, my killing perfection, you are perfection in its fullest.'

Sesshomaru's eyes widened at message. Had his mother really written this? It was possible...but, why had his mother written this? He didn't know. And he wasn't sure if wanted to either. All he knew was that it was just as mysterious and blunt as she was.

Sesshomaru shook his head, removing any further questionings from his mind. He decided to focus on opening the keepsake.

A strong hand rested on the bottom of the small chest, while long tentative fingers carefully lifted the top.

Sesshomaru's eyes widened at the prize that was hidden away from his view only moments ago. A faint expression of fondness spread across his features after overcoming his momentary shock.



Kagome parked her car in the parking lot, located near Paradise Apartments. She shut off her engine and rested her palms lightly atop of the horn, as to not set off the sound and possibly scare a few unsuspecting citizens.

She sighed as she attempted to calm the sudden storm of nervousness within her. She had never really looked for an apartment before... Would she be worthy of the apartment?

"Get a grip Kagome!" She started, sitting up straight and staring into her own eyes via the rear view mirror.

"You can do this! So what if they think you're not good enough! You can just keep searching and maybe then you can finally move on and have some peace!" She balled her hand in to a fist and waved it in the air.

"No matter what just keep your head up and keep going!" Her previous nervousness and acute self-doubt dispersed with the energetic pep talk. Her hands went to her seat belt and released it.

She wrapped a slightly sweaty palm around the door handle, the other reaching for her bag. With eyes closed in a silent, quick prayer to Kami she took one last breath and pulled the release to the portal that lead her to her - hopefully -soon to be home.

"Let's go!"


Her footsteps were dull and vacant as she walked down the hallway towards the main office. There were small plants at some parts of the hall, a fern here, a bamboo plant there. It gave it a kind of professional yet homely look, also the warm tan color of the wall made it feel neutral, and calming in a strange way.

She took a left at the directorial sign telling her which way the office was. Soon enough she reached a large desk that encased a small figured woman that held orange tinted red hair, and a Bluetooth headset on her ear.

She was flipping through papers and jotting stuff down on a small piece of paper. Kagome stepped up to the desk and cleared her throat.

The woman behind the desk looked up with her amethyst colored eyes.

"How may I help you?" She, the orange-haired woman, said with a smile.

Kagome offered a small shy smile in return. Her previous nervousness returning slightly. "Oh um...I'm Kagome Higurashi and I'm here for the apartment interview."


A/N: Hey people! I'm super sorry for being so late.

Thanks for following, commenting, adding to your reading lists, voting, adding to your library, and reading.

You all have my love!

Until next time, bye!

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