family vacation

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lokis pov

we all got packed up, and rented a minivan. we drove to the airport and y/n was being extremely quiet. "you alright darling?" I say keeping my eyes on the road but moving one hand off the wheel to put on her thigh.

"oh, yes I'm alright lokes" I keep my hand where it is and she lets it stay there. peter, mj and ned are all scream singing in the back. they seem to be enjoying themselves which was lovely. but something was off, y/n didn't seem like herself. I rub my thumb on her and she chuckled. I began singing along to the radio as well to try and make her feel better.

"so you can keep me, inside the pocket of your ripped, jeans.. pulling me closer til our eyes, meet.~" mj, peter, ned and I were all singing and y/n joined in. I couldn't help but wonder what was bothering her.

we sang all the way to the airport and I parked as close as I could get. I grabbed y/n and my bag, ned grabbed his, and peter took his and mj's. y/n gripped onto me like a child before we crossed to get through the doors. why was she acting so odd? I told peter to watch the luggage as we waited for our flight. I pulled y/n aside and talked to her

"my love, I can tell when somethings wrong.. what's bothering you?" I ask holding her face with my hand. I look into her eyes and she looks into mine and she begins to tear up. I pull her in for a hug and try and calm her down. kissing her head, and rubbing her back. she didn't say anything, she just sobbed. I wasn't going to force it out of her because she was clearly having a panic attack.

"deep breaths darling.. in through the nose.. out through the mouth.." she steadies her breathing and I pull her away to look at her again. I place my hand on her face and use my thumb to wipe her tears. I kiss her forehead and rub her face with my thumb. I hold her waist with my other hand to keep her from falling over, she was losing balance from shaking so much. I continued to get her to relax, then speak again.

"are you ready to talk about it love?" she hesitates before nodding. she takes a deep breath and the words seemed to get stuck in her throat at first. she thinks for a moment as to how she was supposed to word it. she clears her throat.

"i-..." tears formed in her eyes again.

"I k-killed tony.." she begins to cry and she hid her face in my chest. I held her close and began to think.

that didn't seem right.. he was fine when we left.. the last person who was with Tony was Strange.. or at least that's what thor told me.. he had mentioned how banner got him stable and awake.. and then strange was with him and gave him.. some.. food. then, he was dead and strange was gone.

"no, my love listen to me. you did no such thing. who told you this?"

"strange" she said in-between her crying.

"thor said he gave tony something to eat and then he was dead and strange was gone.. strange killed him, not you.." I said pulling her away again to wipe her tears.

"that bastard.. because making me fall for thirty minutes wasn't enough.."  she laughed and it was alarming. she texted the avengers group chat something and then she put her phone away. she was laughing as she wiped the rest of her tears and face. her eyes were puffy and red. she grabbed my arm and walked me to where the other three were. i sat down and she sat next to me. she rested her head on my shoulder and put her hand on my inner thigh.


we boarded the plane and sat in our seats. y/n was still acting strange. but she was more relaxed now. we watched a movie and peter, mj, and ned were all obsessed over the fact we were the only ones in first class. then a news broadcast was shown.

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