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The hint of a smile tugs at the corner of his lips as he steps in between my legs and runs his fingers over my bare skin.

First over my knees, up my thighs, the hem of my panties, over my stomach, until his fingers finally find my hips and with one swift motion he presses me forcefully against the bare wall.

A startled sound escapes my lips as air is forced out of my lungs.

There is a dangerous glint in his eyes when he steps closer, undoing the top buttons of his shirt. Creamy, tanned skin emerges and I swallow harshly, my fingertips suddenly beginning to tingle. All I want is to brush the white dress shirt off his shoulders and run my fingertips over his flexed muscles.

You're drunk, Soph.

His eyes find mine.

I breathe in, shakily, unable to escape his gaze. It captures every aspect of my life, even my body's reaction.

At this moment he looks like a predator on a hunt.

I nervously press my lips together, wetting my lower lip.

There it is again, always just a hint but never a full smile.

He carefully rolls up the sleeves of his shirt, revealing strong forearms.

I hate the way my body reacts to him, how he can bring me to life with a single touch, with a single look.

His fingers, astonishingly tender for a monster, caress my skin, giving me goosebumps and sending shivers down my spine.

My body is on fire, but I don't move, standing still between the wall and him, like a deer caught in the headlights.

His lips hover over mine, but instead of kissing me, a harsh laugh escapes his throat, his breath tickling my skin.

His hands slip into my hair, pulling my head to the side and finally, finally, he presses his lips to my naked skin.

The room begins to spin and I grab hold of his shoulders to keep myself from falling, the alcohol in my blood and his smell a dangerous mixture that makes me swoon.

Warmth radiates from his body.

I slip my index fingers into his belt, pulling him closer to me until no piece of paper can fit between us and his erection rubs against my core.

His lips travel up the side of my neck and the tip of his tongue presses against the tender point above my carotid artery.

He lingers there for a moment, his mouth against the proof of my life and I feel his lips curl into an eerie smile on my skin.

The window in his bedroom is ajar and the cold breeze that blows through the grey curtains sends another shiver down my spine.

His hands let go of my hips and wander up my body.

"Kiss me," I want to say and for a few seconds I think he will follow my silent demand, but instead I feel his hands on my throat and then...

...then he squeezes.

My fingers fly to my neck, tearing at his hands, trying to loosen his grip, but to no avail.

He is too strong.

Panic spreads through my body like wildfire.


I need air.

In my stilettos I can't find a good grip on the laminate floor and, completely in a panic, I start beating around me wildly.

His weight shifts and he presses his body tighter against mine until his brown eyes are level with mine.

He is perfectly calm.

"Dante", I try to say, but his name is drowned in a choke.

Black spots begin to dance at the edge of my vision.

The grip on my neck grows stronger.

"I allowed you to live once, Sophia," he says, his voice low. "Don't forget. What I give you, I can take away again."

Tears turn my vision blurry and oblivion tugs gently on my limbs.

Give in, it wanted to say. You want to.

My body grows heavy and when I close my eyes, greeting the abyss like an old friend, my lungs suddenly fill with air again.

My legs buckle and I sink down the wall onto the floor, clutching my neck, gasping for air. My heart pounds in my ears as our eyes met, his completely void of any emotion.

A coughing fit rattles my body.

"Monster," I choke.

He nods slowly, taking a step back, bringing distance between us-distance that I so badly needed.

When he leaves, words linger unspoken in the room.

Don't forget it again.

Unnecessary EvilWhere stories live. Discover now