Nico- Welcome to Angel Cafe

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Nico unlocked the front door and took his first step into the cafe. He inhaled deeply, taking in the ever-present coffee smell that was beginning to smell like home. Closing the door behind him, he flicked on the lights behind the counter, leaving the rest of the cafe to be illuminated by the sun. He began taking down chairs, started to brew the coffee, and prepared for opening. 

By the time it was 7 am, he was more than ready for his first customers. He flipped the sign on the door, declaring that the store was open, and went to make himself an espresso. Nico was going to need a hell of a lot of coffee if he was supposed to be working until closing today. 

Technically, he wasn't supposed to work so long, but he owned the cafe, and it was a great excuse to not be home. Not that he minded- Nico loved the cafe. He loved the variety of people he got to see each day, the quiet Italian cafe music in the background, the smell of the roasting coffee beans- all of it. 

The door chimed as it was opened, and his first customer of the day walked in. One of Nico's regulars. 

"Hey, Rachel! Large vanilla latte sound alright?" Nico greeted her. Rachel smiled and sat down at one of the tables in the sun. 

"You know it," she nodded and opened a sketchbook. Nico turned back around and started making her drink, just as the door chimed again. 

"Hello, welcome to the Angel Cafe, what can I get for you today?" he called out with his back still turned.

"Umm, hang on, I need to read the menu," a deep voice replied. Nico nodded and finished Rachel's latte. He walked around the counter and set Rachel's drink in front of her.

"Thanks, Neeks!" Nico rolled his eyes at the nickname but didn't say anything. He glanced at the new customer as he walked back behind the counter. There was a relatively short-looking guy, (not that Nico was any taller himself,) with a rasta cap and a denim jacket. Nico smiled at him.

"Ready to order?"

"Yep, can I have a medium herbal tea, and a raspberry scone? Thanks!" he smiled back.

"No problem, that'll be $6.49, can I get a name for your order?" Nico didn't really need to get his name, seeing as he and Rachel were the only customers so it was incredibly unlikely for him to switch anything up. He just enjoyed learning the customer's names in case they came back- he loved seeing their surprised faces as he remembered them, even if they only came once. Nico was great at names. 

"Grover," he said, handing over the money. Nico nodded, and once again turned around to make the order. 


It had been a few hours of just Nico working, but around 12, his half-sister Hazel came into work for a few hours while he had his lunch break, and then they would work together until she finished her shift in time to go to her afternoon classes. Nico didn't see the point of going to college, as he already had inherited this cafe from his mom, and planned on running it until he would maybe one day pass it down to his kids. That is if he ended up adopting any. 

"Neeks! Sorry, I'm a little late! Frank's car ran out of gas and I had to rescue him before coming here," Hazel laughed, rushing to tie her apron on. Nico smiled softly, shaking his head.

"What is that, the second time this week?" Hazel just shrugged, still laughing. "Okay, I'm gonna go take lunch then. I'll be back Hazel,"

Hazel waved as Nico stepped outside into the cool breeze. It just happened to be his favorite weather- around 60 degrees, sunny, and a slight breeze. He shivered for a second and zipped up his forest green jacket. 

Nico usually took his lunch breaks to go to the bookstore just down the street, but today he had been so busy with the morning rush at the cafe he hadn't had time to eat his usual breakfast. He pulled out his phone, checking for the nearest McDonalds. 

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