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3rd Person POV.

Beam is sitting on the bench alone. It is now lunch, Phana and Kit was out for lunch date . Beam is just to lazy so he choose to had his lunch at the foodcourt. Even though he hate to admit it but he is still sore enough to even play around .

So here he is , sitting at the foodcourt , eating his lunch while reviewing his subjects .

Suddenly a bottle of water and a stack of pain killer appeared in front of Beam . Beam look up a little to find a tanned arm placed on the table . He sighed, he know who's the hand owner .

Beam look to the tanned guy . as he thought Forth Jaturapoom .

Forth smile to Beam widely . he scratched his un-ichy hair to ease the awkward air around him .

Beam sighed again before turning back to his food . Of course, who will him kidding with he is Fucking Forth, of course he won't listen . so he will just do the second best moves , sit down and ignore him.

Forth took a sit in front of beam , He is still wearing the Sotus shirt . Forth says nothing , he just sit and look at Beam as if a puppy waiting patiently for his master

After Beam finished his lunch , He took the bottle of water and drink them with 2 tab of Pain Killer that Forth brought. he put back the stack on the table.

He just nod his Head at the tanned guy and start to stand up and cleaning his book . He got another classes at three so he need to go .

After Beam walk away , forth turn his gaze one the table . there is a stac of pain killer with 2 of them is being eaten by Beam , his Beam .

Forth smile. beam is cute ,

Forth took the stack and start to walk away from the foodcourt humming a happy melodies .

The scene continue until thursday , where there is a tanned guy with Sotus shirt . sittng at the med's foodcourt looking at the Casanova in silent . and The Casanova seems not to bother by the Head Hazer presence , he will took the bottle of water and and couple dose of pain killer before walking away without saying anything to The said Devil .

not only until Friday lunch , beam didn't took Forth's water and he left the Pain killer untouched. he just tidy his table before walking way with his meds book .

forth tilted his head . he turns towards the pain killer then to the bottle of water which Beam left untouched . Ah, so he is healed . forth tell himself .


Phana and kit plan to go to the bar tonight. Beam wasn't really in the mood but today is Friday night . Some booze will do too so he agreed .

"Beammie faster, if we are late Phana gonna nag at us and everyone know that is the least things i want to hear on Friday night !" Kit knocked his door .

Beam look at his figure again , he took some hair gel on the table and tidy his hair again . Beam took his silver Rolex watch and wear them . " Coming! " Beam yell back while taking his light Blue shoes inside the closet .

" Damn Beam, you always took too long when we are going to the bar , it is not like the girls will not all over you even if you are messy enough" Kit keep on nagging while they are walking to Kit's car .

Beam doesn't like to bring his car to the bar , He said it will ruin his time to get laid so he prefer going to the bar either with Pha or Kit .

Beam smile teasingly "said someone who ask me to help him pick clothes for the date almost the whole day " Beam says mockingly , he shows his teasing smile.

The Headhazer huh? ::ForthBeam:: (Onhold) Where stories live. Discover now