Twitter famous

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- Gaege's POV –

I woke up in the morning to the sound of my phone blowing up with notifications. I let out an annoyed grunt as I unlock my phone to see what the commotion is. "EddieVR tagged you." I read. I open the notification. People have been re-tweeting me this post the entire time. It's a clip. I open it and listen to it. I listen to his voice as I hold my breath. My heart skipped a beat. His song is full of emotion. I recognize myself in some way. Singing his heart out to get out the pent-up emotion. The song wasn't coincidence either. He picked this song to let people know what he's been through. I then read the caption. "@GaegeGibson_Official You are my inspiration. You're the reason I started singing. Because of you I am who I am today." I smile a little. This guy was actually interesting.

I DM him my number with the text: "Call me, I'd like to hear more of you."

- Eddie's POV –

My jaw drops as I read my notifications. I woke up not long ago to my phone vibrating the entire time. People have been blowing up my clip. Everyone was saying how good I was and kept re-tweeting this to Gaege Gibson. I try to say thank you to everyone who commented on it. As I get to my last notif, my jaw drops. It was a private message from HIM! I open it immediately to read what he said. It's a message with his number and telling me to call him. I jump up in excitement. I immediately ring up the number he sent me.

"This is Gaege Gibson speaking."

"H-Hi! T-This is Eddie, from the twitter post." I say really nervous

"Oh, hey Eddie. How about we meet up so I can meet you in person."

I try not to squeal at that sentence. He's actually asking to meet ME!

"S-Sure! When and where would you like to meet?" I ask him

"I'll send you an address. Be there at 4pm."

"Y-Yes ofcourse!"

"See you then, Eddie"

"B-Bye!" I say, god his voice is so hot. I still can't believe this is happening to me. My idol wanting to meet up, with ME out of all people!

I suddenly get a text, I open it and read:

"Hey Eddie, this is the address: (whatever address you want lmao)"

"Thank you! See you then!"

I reply. I save his number in my contacts and head downstairs. I eat breakfast and watch some Netflix to pass some time. Once I'm done eating I head back upstairs and hop in the shower. I felt my heart beating in my chest. I'm so nervous for this afternoon. To be honest, Gaege has been my celebrity crush for a while. But I never thought I would actually meet up with him or be noticed by him. This is like a dream come true. I got out of the shower and put on some clothes. I decided to head out into town to pass time. I looked up the address earlier to see where we would meet. It's a cute little café in the middle of town. I head inside some stores to look around for some new clothes. I found a really nice black and white marbled hoodie. I pick it up and walk to the cashier to pay for the hoodie. Suddenly I hear something from behind me. "Omg you're that guy!" some girl says. I turn around to look at her.

"I totally loved your song!" she says with a smile. "Can I get your number?" she asks kind off flirty. "I- Uhm. I-I'm g-gay..." I say quietly looking at the ground. This is the first time I've said this to someone else then my friends from years ago. "Oh! That's totally fine, I have a wife. We can hang out sometime." She says with a sweet tone. My eyes widen. They didn't scold me for being gay? Wait, she's gay herself. "S-Sorry, yeah sure." I say pulling out my phone to give her my number. She puts me as a contact. "I'm Gabriela, but friends call me Gabby." She says with a smile whilst holding out her hand. I shake it softly. "I'm Eddie." I say with a smile back. A girl waves at her from outside the store. Gesturing for her to come over. "Well, I got to go. My wife is waiting for me. See you later Eddie!" she says and then walks off.

I finally pay for the hoodie and check my phone to see the time. Oh god, it's 3:59! I grab the bag and run out of the store. I run to the little café as fast as I can. I arrive all out of breath. Gaege is outside the door looking at me like I'm a maniac. But I ignore that. "I'm so sorry I'm late! This girl was talking to me and-" I try to explain but he lets out a small laugh. "Don't worry. Eddie right?" he says and holds out his hand. I smile and shake his hand. "Yes sir!". "No need to be so formal Eddie. Please, just call me Gaege." He says with a cute smile. Fuck that smile melts my heart. "Yea sorry! G-Gaege." I say whilst stuttering. Man I'm actually talking to Gaege Gibson right now. "Come on, let's order something. It's on me." He says. "No! Uhm- Sorry. Please, I'll pay." I say with a small blush. "We'll see about that. Come on." He says whilst grabbing my hand dragging me inside. Gahhh, he's holding my hand! Don't freak out Eddie! Keep it together.

"What can I help you guys with today?" the barista asks. "I'll take a strawberry boba tea, please." He says with a polite smile. He nudges me to order something. "I-uh, I'll take a mocha Frappuccino, please." I say. "Sure, you're order will be right up. Go and take a seat if you'd like." She says with a friendly tone. He grabs my hand again and drags me to a table. As soon as we sit down he stares into my eyes. He seems lost in thought as he keeps staring into my eyes.


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