Ken not Barbie

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- Gaege's POV -

The door opens as an average height male stands in the doorway. "Can I help y-" he cuts himself off as he looks at Eddie beside me. "I thought I told you to leave." He says in an arrogant tone. "Your son forgot his phone so we came to get it back." I say calmly as I grab Eddie's hand. "He is no son of mine." He says tone rising. "We just came to pick up his phone sir, then we'll be off." I say trying to keep my cool. He heads inside telling that 'Faggots' need to stay outside.

I stay outside with Eddie until he comes back with his phone a few minutes later. He hands it over and shuts the door in our faces. I scoff. "Rude." I mumble. "That's my dad for you..." I hear Eddie say quietly. "Let's go now." I pull him by the hand and take him to the car again. We hop in and start driving to McDonald's. After ordering food and filling our stomachs we head back.

"I have an idea Eddie." I say proudly. "Oh? Did it hurt coming up with?" he says jokingly, trying to light up the mood. "Rude!" I say and laugh. "For our debut, I was thinking. I'll start off with my new song and you'll come on stage after for our duet." I say with a smile. "Sounds amazing, what is your new song about?" he asks curiously. "You'll see, it's a surprise." I say laughing, knowing quite well he hates surprises.

He pouts and tries to act mad the entire ride home. I pull into our driveway and open the door for Eddie. We head inside and let us fall down on the couch. Tomorrow is our first performance together. We end up watching a movie and falling asleep on the couch. I wake up before Eddie does and head to the bathroom to freshen up. I take a quick shower and pick out new clothes. I head downstairs and make eggs and bacon for breakfast. I hear shuffling around in the living room meaning Eddie woke up. "Breakfast!" I yell from the kitchen.

Eddie soon comes shuffling into the kitchen still half asleep and takes a seat at the dinner table. I plate him some food and hand it over to him. "Thanks." He says with a deep morning voice. I blush at how sexy his voice sounds and nod. I grab myself a plate and take a seat as well. We start eating in a comfortable silence. I finish my plate and so does Eddie. I grab his plate and cutlery to wash off. I finish washing the dishes and cleaning up the kitchen. Eddie was getting ready whilst I did the chores. We head out to our concert and get inside the building. The people slowly come flooding in. Backstage we can hear everything get rowdy in the room.

Eddie looks a bit nervous as the crowd becomes livelier. I grab his arms and pull him into me and hug him tight. I give him a reassuring smile. "Everything will be alright Ed, they will love you!" I say with a bright smile. "I hope so dawg." He says with a slight smile back. I hear the announcer call my name. I grab my guitar and head up the stage. I adjust my mic and greet the crowd. "Hey guys! It's great to be back after some time off." I pause for a few seconds as the crowd screams. "I have a surprise for you guys. I hope you'll like it." I finish as the light goes out. I start strumming the intro to my new song.

"Two little boys, Met each other on the playground"

I kinda improvised the first bit to make the song long enough. It's not completely made up since my first best friend I met on the playground was gay as well.

"Just like the rest"
"Didn't stick out from the crowd"

The funny thing about humanity is that people don't judge you if you don't tell them anything. As long as you're in the closet they'll treat you like a normal human person. As soon as you're out they scold you and make you feel worthless.

"But between themselves"
"They knew that they were different"
"But they pushed it down"
"'Cause nobody would even listen"

People like me and Eddie have to hide our true selves and we have to pretend to be someone we're not, just to fit in. We're like a puzzle piece that doesn't fit.

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