Family Fight

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- Eddie's POV –

I head to my parent's house to grab my stuff. I head inside and see my dad sitting on the couch with my stepmom. I greet them and head upstairs to grab my stuff. After rummaging through all my cabinets, drawers and my wardrobe I find a lot of old stuff that reminds me of my mom. I found an old poncho I got from her and a wristwatch. I look at the wristwatch as memories begin flooding back. I get a flashback of when my mom gave this to me. Tears well up in my eyes as I snap out of it. I put the last of my stuff in some boxes and suitcases. Me and Gaege are moving in together. He said he found a nice place here in LA for the both of us. We're going to kick off our duo career soon. I'm so happy I met him and that we get along so well. I take all of my boxes and suitcases downstairs and place them in the garage. Once I'm done I head back to my dad to say goodbye.

"Papa." I say looking at him. "Si, mijo?" he says. "I'm moving out Papa." I say quietly. My dad and I never really had a great bond after my mother's death. "To where?" he says surprised. I look at the ground hesitating to answer. If I tell him, he will get mad. "I'm moving in with Gaege Gibson, Papa." I say looking at the ground. I can feel his anger rise as it fills the room. "You're one of them, aren't you?" he says clenching his fists.

"Si Papa..." I say with tears in my eyes. "You are no son of mine. Don't call me 'Papa'." He says with anger in his voice. I can tell he's furious. I look at him. I feel my cheek glowing red soon after. "Get out of here." He says furiously. I turn around to go to the garage as I feel tears running down my cheeks. I knew he would find out sooner or later. But he already got the clue since he knows my idol, Gaege Gibson, is gay. I open the garage and load my stuff in my car. I drive it over to the place Gaege found and get my stuff inside. I hear Gaege shouting from the living room "Welcome back!.". I don't bother to respond as I'm already crying and he would notice my voice breaking if I did.

Once my stuff is in my room I sit down on the bed and cry. I hear the door open after half an hour. Gaege comes running to me and hugs me. "What happened Eddie?" he asks worried. "My dad...hates me..." I sob out. "Tell me Eddie, let it all out." He says quietly rubbing my back and holding me tight. "I told him I'm moving in with you...and he knows you are gay so he figured out I was too..." I say sobbing uncontrollably. "Eddie, if you're dad doesn't accept you it's his loss." He says still rubbing my back. "He has a wonderful son with the voice of an angel." He tilts my head up and gives me a smile. God, I want to kiss him so bad when he looks at me like that. I stop crying and give him a weak smile back. "Thank you Gaege." I say and give him a hug. "It's okay Eddie, I'm always here for you." He says whilst hugging back.

- Gaege's pov –

I hug Eddie till he feels okay enough for me to let go. I get up and put out my hand for him. He looks at me with a confused look. "Let's go, we'll go grab some McDonald's." I tell him. He happily grabs my hand so we can head downstairs. We put our shoes on and I grab my car keys. As we walk to the car I realise I grabbed his hand again. I blush as I let it go. "S-Sorry I wasn't really aware.." I say with an awkard smile. He laughs a bit and says it's okay so I laugh it off as well.

As we get in the car I hear Eddie curse. "What's wrong?" I ask him worried. "I forgot my phone at my parent's house..." he says looking down. "Let's go get it then." I say confidently. I start the car and head to his parent's house after he gave the address. I pull into their driveway after a 10 minute drive there. I stop the car and look at Eddie. He's trembling in his seat, scared for his dad. "It'll be okay, I'll go with you." I tell him to try and reassure him.

He looks at me and smiles weakly. "Thanks Gaege" he answers. We get out the car and head to the front door. I knock on the door and look at Eddie and give him another reassuring smile. I hear the door open.


A/N: Hey guys! I'm back, yay! So sorry for the long wait but I've had it really busy with school and personal stuff. But I'll be back to writing now 😊 Hope you enjoyed the chapter! 

Word count: 838 

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