The Beginning

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Blade and Levi were just running about away from the toxic demons they called parents, the two making a plan to escape for good and get out of their fucked up world.

Ahead of them was a forest the trees a mixture of black and crimson leaves with no light on the inside. This forest was new none of the boys knew of this place but knew if you went in you'd never leave again. Some call it a gateway to hell others call it a dead man's paradise.

The shorter male pointed ahead to the ambiguous place and the taller nodded in a silent agreement, glancing back the two noticed the adults were trying to stop them from entering the forest. Ignoring the toxic adults the two darted ahead into the forest both noticing how cold it is in there and how dark it had became.

Glancing around Blade grinned at his smaller yet older brother and nodded in another silent agreement both knowing they need to keep going. Levi smirked and pulled out a torch so they could see but stopped in their tracks noticing two taller figures in the distance.

"Blade be aware I have no idea who they are but I feel a weird aura from them both" Levi stated as they both got ready to fight.

"Calm down young ones" the first spoke, the two humans noticed the cat ears and tail showing.

"We will not harm either of you, if you pass our test you both can choose your new home" The other spoke, this one had horns.

"Test?" Levi questioned while tense.

"Yes, the two of you will be asked questions. And will have to see if you both can withstand our power, then you both shall choose your new world and we will guide you" The two entities spoke together.

"Okay then" Blade spoke while trying to ignore the snarky comments Zane was making.

"1st question. Why do you wish to leave this world" The first question was asked.

"Easy the world here is so toxic and painful that we both have wished to die to escape-" Levi started while looking emotionless.

"-plus being bullied and made to feel worthless. Being made to feel unsafe at home and so much more is the reason I have-" Blade continued emotionless as well.

"- Plus who would want to live in a world that isn't worth saving as no one is willing to make the change" Levi finished.

The two entities looked at each other and smirked, nodding at each other.

"Interesting. Next question- what would you both want in a new world" The other asked.

"To belong and to be able to help others" Blade said bluntly.

"Agreed" Levi nodded.

"Hmm" the Demon entity nodded.

"Now then last one before the humans try to get to you both" The neko entity spoke "Where do you two wish to go to?"

"Easy. Jujutsu Kaisen" the two said in sync.

"Well then let's begin" The two entities spoke.

"First. Answer this" Levi spoke up. "Who are you both?"

Blade nodded at the shorter's question and looked at the two other beings. A loud shout was heard not far away from them and the grey haired boy sighed in response.

"They're coming so hurry up." he spoke.

"I am Damo, I've been watching over Blade for awhile now as I'm sure you both know" the Demon entity, Damo spoke.

"And I am Kura, I've been keeping an eye on you Levi. You're too much trouble, always close to death" Kura, the neko entity spoke too.

The two humans looked at each other and sighed, of course they were familiar. But atleast their question was answered. Now onto the last part of handling the power they both will be given.

"Well now then we both will be giving you power to fight in the Jujutsu Kaisen world so be aware if you die you will get thrown into our dimension till your bodies are healed" Damo said while holding up a large red orb of energy walking towards Blade.

Blade stared confused but allowed Damo to put the energy in his body to which the male's eyes turned red matching Damo's and a mark appeared on his forearms. While this happened Levi watched curious and didn't acknowledge Kura approaching him.

"Young one this might burn abit as your body will not be use to the heat this will admit unlike Damo's" Kura spoke while holding a orange and blue mixed orb of energy.

Levi just nodded and allowed Kura to pass on their power to him and he winced as he felt a wave of heat wash over him then cold but grinned. His eyes now orange like Kura's and large canines like Blade's. Both of the humans smirked at the fact they understood they passed the test. Now the two entities disappeared and the leaves from the trees fell around them as a rush of wind past them.

Closing their eyes and embracing the weirdly calm feeling the two left the toxic world.

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