Comfort Chapter For Cadet

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--In Sukuna's Domain--

"Oi why are you so down then Blade?" The king of curses questioned his partner in crime.

"The thing I told you about before... You know what.." Blade trailed off lighting a cigarette and taking a drag.

"You know what I'm going to say. Don't dwell on it, stop blaming yourself, commit arson instead!" the Cursed spirit tried making the other smile abit.

This worked slightly and made him smile slightly, next thing Blade knew is Sukuna hugged him tightly doing what he could to comfort the other.

"I'm here idiot so don't be down. I know it's hard to lose someone close to you but do you think they want you to blame yourself or cry? They'd want you to laugh and smile as well as live a long ass life" The Cursed male spoke while hugging Blade tightly still.

The green haired male let himself cry on the pinkettes shoulder for awhile but smiled slightly too knowing he had a good set of people have got his back no matter what.

(Cadet I have your back and remember if you feel low I will help ya smile, I got ya lil bro)

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