primed for sin

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[play the song above with the play button]🌠🌉

this is the place?
this little yoga shop is gonna be the place where i find peace and joy?

my counselor is full of shit that's what she is.
she thinks coming to a yoga studio where some old lady tells me to stretch more will solve my sister being dead?
this is pathetic.

and yet somehow here i am standing at the door in my yoga pants.
i am the most obeying person ever, i don't even like yoga anymore, let alone being in a room full of other people doing it.

plus she was saying something about private lessons but i'm not paying for that.
or- is it paid for?
i don't even know what i'm getting myself into.
yet i'm opening the door right now- annnd i'm inside.

there's no one even here.
where is everyone?
of course when i show up i have no clue what to do.
maybe i should go.

"hello"? a mans voice called out from a back room somewhere.
"hello"? i called out back to him confused.

"are you here for your private lesson"? he asked from his hiding place.
"uhm- i guess so"- i said.
what if i'm the wrong person.
i wouldn't recover from that embarrassment.

"GREAT"! his voice echoed.
i saw a man emerge from a hallway and hot damn if he wasn't the sexiest man i'd ever seen-

i mean he was everything but ugly.
he was perfection.
is this- the teacher?
he can't be.
"are you looking for the instructor too"? i asked.

he laughed a little, and wow his teeth were even perfect.
"that's funny- i am the instructor". he said crossing his arms.

maybe my counselor isn't full of shit after all because this is filling me with MORE than peace and joy.

"so- you're the teacher"? i asked.
"why? do i not look the part"? he smiled.
well you look like you can give me your part.

"no- i mean yeah you do, you look really strong". i said cursing myself internally.
"mhm. okay so you're the one i'm giving private lessons to"? he asked looking me up and down.

"i don't know. my counselor sent me here". i said- again- cursing myself internally.
"ah- so you're a psychopath". he laughed.
"i might be". i said with a straight face.
usually when i do that people don't make that joke anymore.

"that's cute. i like them a little crazy". he said cracking his knuckles.
i think i'm getting the floor wet. he might need to get a sign.

"so come here. i have to evaluate you". he said walking over to an area of yoga equipment and mats on the floor.

"evaluate me"? i questioned.
"you know- like height, weight, diet, all that fun stuff". he said sarcastically.
"do you even like this job"? i asked.
"i do now". he smiled looking down.
if i was heating up i think he could feel it.

"what's your breakfast usually like"? he asked.
"i skip it". i said.
"okay- that's not good you have to start eating". he argued.
"uh.. no i'm not hungry during the morning". i said back.

"don't make me force feed you". he smiled.
"oh? are you allowed to do that"? i asked raising a brow and testing him.
"i didn't say i was professional". he mumbled looking down with a grin.

"i'm starting to think this isn't a great yoga studio". i said crossing my arms.
"no i'm the best". he said back, crossing his arms.
"you look like you're in high school". i teased.
"i just got out 4 months ago actually". he replied.
oh crap.
"how old are you"? i asked.
"19". he responded.
"and why are you working a shop"?
"because my dumbass friend spent his money on this place and couldn't run it".
i nodded.
"yeah he does sound dumb".

but holy shit- he's only 19?
i'm 20 so i guess he's into cougars 😏
i mean technically i'm not a cougar yet- but i'm a cougar in training so it counts.

"you know what, i'll send out a email where you can put all this info in yourself, let's just see where you're at so far". he said.
i tilted my head.
"see where i'm at"? i asked.
"are you flexible"?
i looked him up and down. "a little". i responded.

he smiled. "good good, lets see". he said clapping his hands together.
we walked over to a mat and he told me to sit down.
i did as i was told and he came behind me.

"mkay let's get you in downwards dog". i hesitated.
"what's this for"? i asked.
"how am i supposed to teach someone when i don't know what they can do yet". he said.

i went into the position.

"make sure you keep your core tight"

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"make sure you keep your core tight". he said grabbing onto my hips from behind.
i was feeling a little aroused, but he was only a kid.
yeah technically 19 is legal but he probably doesn't even have his own place yet.

"could you bring your back straight". he said now pressing one hand on my back to flatten it, as his other hand remained on my hip, as he spoke his hand slightly moved a bit and it was nearly on my ass.

"are you sure you didn't sign up for this job so that you could touch girls"? i asked, going to the floor.
"if i wanted to touch girls then i'd just choose from the ones that like me". he grinned.
"what are you famous"? i asked.
"a little i guess". he shrugged.

his face was so symmetrical.
i guess that really does make a beautiful person.

"so what's your name"? i asked.
"iwaizumi". he responded.
"iwaizumi". i repeated.
"don't wear it out". he winked, and then turned away to move the mat.

hot damn.

oaktree- welcome old and new readers. i am oaktree. if you haven't read any of my other books i really think you should.

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