High speed; low hopes

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"So toru- you're back after leaving for months"? Ushjima asked. "Don't act like I haven't been sending money all this time". He replied.

"Yeah. Money that we had to use to keep your studio open". Iwaizumi rebuttled.
"Let's not forget- that WITHOUT the studio. We wouldn't have any storage, or any cover at all". Toru said angrily.

What cover? Is the studio- not just that.
"You left us with a debt". Kang mentioned.
"Well it's paid. So get off my back about it". Toru said.
"I see you've already had a lesson huh"? Kang asked pointing at torus cheek.

Toru instantly covered it with his hand and looked at iwaizumi.
Ushjima let out a small laugh beside me.
"Good". Ushjima whispered.

 Ushjima whispered

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"You know what. Let's just forget about the past. It's no use anymore. We need to focus on a new goal". Dice spoke, instantly catching the rooms attention.

"And what's the new goal"? Iwaizumi asked.
I sank back into the couch, they were so invested in eachother that I think they forgot I was even here.
I'll just stay quiet.

"Well- tao has been taking something of ours, while you've been away". Kang said to oikawa.
"Mhm and what's that"? He questioned back.
"..our spot". Kang replied.

"Tao is hanging around red diamond"? Oikawa asked with a glare in his eye.

What the fuck is red diamond?
And who is tao???

"If he thinks just because I was gone a little while, that he can steal our business. Then he's mistaken". Oikawa said crossing his arms.

What kind of business could these men possibly be doing together... at a place called red diamond.

I made eye contact with iwaizumi and he stared back, seeming to realize I was still here.

"Alright. We can discuss this later. Let's just eat huh"? Iwaizumi gathered everyone's attention and stopped their conversation.
"Why can't we address this now"? Ushjima asked him.

Iwaizumi looked at me again and now everybody gave me their eyes.
"Ah"- ushjima let out.
It's like they shut up as soon as they remembered I could hear them.
I don't know how they forgot in the first place.

The table began to eat and so I stayed silent and did as they did. 

After eating, iwaizumi told me to go start the car while they wrapped up inside.
I felt kind of weird being around him, when I saw the type of people he associated with.

When I got in the car, sitting in the drivers seat I felt something underneath me.
When I grabbed it, I pulled a pocket knife into view.
It was closed, but there was blood on the knife... blood on my hands.

I instantly tossed it onto the passenger side floor.
That... was what iwaizumi used to give oikawa that big gash on his face.
Was he cold blooded?
Did he do that often?
Would he ever do that to me?

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