Chapter 5

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Luke's POV

    "Stop bullying the school...or this photo goes viral."

    "W-what?.." I shuddered, taking a step back. I see Zander glance at me with wide eyes, then back at Jake.

    "Y-you can't do that!.." Zander retaliated. I take a step closer to Zander, protectively putting my arm out in front of him.

    "Oh but I can." Jake smirked with a hint of passive aggressiveness. Zander clutched my hand tightly.

    "Luke..please we can't afford being outed like that.." He whispered.

    "My father-"

    "I know." I shot back, maybe a little to harsh. Zander looked down to the ground, his fearful amethyst gaze drooping.

    "Well, what will it be then?" Jake asked.

    "Fine. We have a deal." I shot, venom filling my voice with a hint of annoyance.

    "Great!" Jake smiled. We shook hands. Jake gave another smile at me before he left. Leaving Zander and I alone again.

   Jake's POV

    I'd say that went well, I thought to myself before opening the door to the bathroom and exiting.

    "Jake! How'd it go?" As I approached the table I heard a familiar voice call my name. Hailey. She was a nice girl. Sensitive, but very nice. Her dark, shorter, teal hair always combed neatly, her dark, onyx eyes always glistening in the light in the darkest times, her-

    "Jake?..." Hailey asked once again.

    "Wha-OH, UM, Yeah! Haha- it went fine! No I mean it went bad! No I mean it went good, I mean great, no no, it went fine- I mean-"

    "Jake." Stacy interrupted.

    "...Yes?" I chuckled nervously.

    Both Stacy and Daisy exchanged glances and lightly chuckled.

    "Wow. Okay," Daisy laughed. Hailey looked confused yet a bit flustered, while I just stood there, my face getting hot and sweaty as I felt my cheeks getting pinker by the second.

    "I um- gotta go, heh, um your welcome, bye!" I said, face palming myself internally. Nice. That was smooth, Jake.

   Luke's POV

    "...Luke?" Zander asked me, still clutching on tight to my hand.

    "Hm?" I hummed, turning around to face him. Zander had a mixed expression. His eyes were filled with fear and sorrow while his face remained still the innocent, light , perfect pale face it always was.

    "What if he doesn't keep the deal? What if they tell other people? What if-"

    "Zander." I started, giving a warm smile, something that only happens with the right people. He looked up at me, his beautiful violet, glossy, eyes looking up at me.

    "Your asking to many what if's." I started. "I promise whatever happens we'll do it together alright?" I said with a hint of cheerfulness. He contemplated for a moment before answering, breaking the gaze we had.

    Zander gave a slight nod with a light smile appearing on his lips. He then came up closer to me, buring his head in my chest. I felt the warm sensation of his body against mine as his curly, purple, ombré hair lightly flowed in the soft breeze of the air that was being flowed into the room.

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