Chapter 7

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    "Hailey, what the hell are you doing?"

    Luke sneered, his cold, iced, lemon gaze fell toward Hailey. She stood, stunned, and quiet, along with the laughter coming from her friends. They slowly turned around, looking at Luke, wide eyed, and petrified.

    "I um, we, uh..." Hailey glanced around at her surroundings, trying desperately to land her eyes on something other than the lemon-eyes jerk I'm front of her.

    Hailey stood there, quiet for a moment before clenching her fists. She was upset, angry if you will. She had enough of Luke's attitude toward her and she wanted to stand her ground.

    "I'm hanging out with my friends." She stated in a calm manor. Trying her best to be strong.

    Luke Peterson stood stunned. Did she actually just say that?

    "What did you just say?" He asked, his glare piercing through Hailey's onyx eyes.

    "I said, I'm hanging out with my friends. Are you deaf or something?" Hailey repeated herself. Returning the dark glare. Luke clenched his fists as-well, biting his lip to the point where it almost started to bleed.

    "You can't hang out with them. I've told you this a million times before-"

    "YOU don't get to decide who I hang out with!" Hailey spat to the point where she was yelling. Luke flinched at the sudden comeback and raised voice,

    "I don't understand, why would you want to hang out with them, when you clearly have us? We're better, and you won't get bullied. It doesn't add up." He stated. Hailey gridded her teeth. Her nails digging into the palm of her hand.

    "Think of it this way, you were the most bullied person in school, with your one friend. Who would that one friend be? Well in your case it would be Zander. And you and Zander were depressed and bullied, but then you meet the most popular kids in school, but your the only one who gets to hang out with them, not Zander. Who would you choose? Complete, rude, annoying strangers, or your best childhood friend?"

    Hailey's words sunk deep into Luke's heart, his mind raced, breaking the glare he had with Hailey. He stayed silent for a moment, calming himself down.

    "That's what I thought." Hailey finished.

    "Nice speech there, princess."

    He knew that voice. Luke knew that voice. The voice that blackmailed him, the voice that his beloved was secretly fearing. Jake.

    Luke instantly turned around, beginning to sweat.

    "W-what are you doing here?" He stuttered, his heartbeat increasing. Jake smiled, crossing his arms.

    "Well, this is my house." Jake started.

    "But I guess that's not what you mean. I just heard a yell and I came to see what was going on. Y'know Luke, I thought we had a deal? What happened? Is your little bratty attitude taking over again?" Jake smirked, walking up to Luke, facing him dead in the eye.

    Luke gulped, his face becoming pale. Jake waited for answer, but Luke was to petrified even to shudder over his words.

    "No answer huh?" Jake said with a hint of sadness.

    "Might as-well go and tell your little boyfriend the bad news. Sorry Luke, didn't really want to do this but you left me with no choice." Jake's wooded, brown gaze hardened on Luke's. He shuddered, taking a step back, putting a hand on his ruby red breach.


    "I recommend you get out of here. Take your boyfriend and friend with you." Jake hissed, his stern face becoming more and more sour by the minute.

    Luke started running, his boots clattering against the pavement. He slammed the door open, running around the large house to find them. His mind raced, his heart ached, his soul faced with the fear of karma.

    Luke spotted them, he ran up to Drew and Zander, panting.

    "Oh hey, where were you?" Zander asked, taking a sip of sparkling grape cider.

    "There's no time, guys we have to go, especially you, Zander. We have to get out of here." Luke swiftly said as a plead. Zander exchanged a worried glance with Drew. They both put down their drinks and looked him dead in the eye.

    "What did you do?.." 

     Zander's expression seemed worried, like he were about to start crying. He knew what Luke did. He knew it all. Just by looking at him. Zander knew.

    "You had a deal! Luke you can't do this come on!" Zander said, beginning to tear up. His voice cracked, trying his best not to break out in a swirling fit of sobs.

    "I'm sorry! I really didn't mean to! It just...happened." Luke's expression was full of guilt and dishonor. The crowd they were talking to began to grow quiet, wondering what was happening. Some recording the act, some listening intrigued, and some not caring to the world around them.

     Zander's amethyst eyes locked on to Luke's. They were teared and hurt. Luke felt awful. He knew Zander's father. He knew that he was abusive. He knew he would hate Zander more than he already did if he found out about them. Before Luke could take a moment to act. Zander fell into his arms.

     Zander began to cry. He cried into Luke's chest. Zander was scared. Scared was an understatement, he was terrified. Absolutely terrified of the outcome this could take. Luke nor Drew knew what to do. They both just..stood there. Somewhat stunned.

    That's when Jake, Hailey, Daisy, and Stacy all came out from behind the scene appearing in front of them

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    That's when Jake, Hailey, Daisy, and Stacy all came out from behind the scene appearing in front of them. Luke winced, knowing what was about to happen. Jake halted, along with the small army behind him.

    "Ladies and gentlemen, Hailey has an announcement to make."


A/N: Hey everyone! Thanks for reading! So, I want to ask you guys a question. I'm going to let you decide what will happen in the next one/two remaining chapter/s.

A. Do you want Luke and Zander to get outted, and run away together, far away, never go back and live happily ever after (I'd figure out what to do with Drew)


B. Do you want Hailey to feel bad and not out them, leaving Luke, Zander, and Drew all changed for the better

Please vote in the comments! Stay safe and happy reading! ✨ (Oh yeah, also go check out my oneshot book if you haven't already 🤗)

Word Count: 1076

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