dr: desired reality. your desired reality is the reality that you want to shift to. you can have multiple drs.
cr: current reality. your current reality is where you're currently in.
wr: waiting room. your waiting room is an optional place you can go to before you enter your dr. you can make last minute script changes here. this does not have to be related to your dr visually.
script: your script is an optional way to plan out your life in your dr. these are recommended, but not required. it's best to script at least one of your safe word and/or safe action and waiting room if you choose to have one.
lifa: lifa is something (which mostly takes form in an app) that only exists in your dr. you can have a lot of things in this app like your script, your drs, etc.
clone: your clone is a version of you that you leave behind when you shift into your dr. it has it's own consciousness but you can script/instruct it do do what you'd like. (like workout out or doing your homework). this is what i meant by you can leave your identity behind if you want to be something or someone else in your dr.
✎ . . . shifting guide / tips
FantasyHello and welcome ! I've decided to throw a few things together for you beginner shifters or for people who are just interested in it all ! In this lovely book there will be sections going in depth of what shifting is, a shifting guide, some tips an...