chapter twenty-seven

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"How strange is it that even a very minor event, action, or small shift can have such a tremendous effect? Like a butterfly's wing is capable of altering the path of a tornado, certainly everything, even the very tiny think can effect everything."



I wish I could give y'all an explanation for the 2 month long absence, but I really can't. I've almost completely slipped out of the Naruto fandom, for now.

The thing with me is that what I'm currently watching/reading fanfics about is what I'm capable of writing about. It's the clearest in my mind, and I'm the most interested in that. I can still fairly easily crank out one shots, but updates for a book are harder. I have a MILLION things in my drafts from eighty different fandoms. I planned a couple chapters ahead in this book knowing that this would happen to me, and once I get back into Naruto, I'm going to have to do it again, because I bounce from fandom to fandom aimlessly.

For example, I'm currently obsessed with Miraculous Ladybug (don't judge me pls it's my comfort show) But before that it was Percy Jackson. Before that it was the Marvel, the Sisters Grimm, then Supernatural, and before that it was Avatar the Last Airbender, and I can keep listing things (if you notice the trend of kids books/shows no you didn't, I'm sad 💀💀). I'm surprised I still have friends at this point.

So I've decided that I'm going to strategically put myself back into Naruto eventually, after my obsession with MLB dies down a little, or I could just try to watch both. But exams are coming up (my AP exam is in the beginning of May, so that's scary), so I'll try to balance everything as well as I can. I'm sincerely sorry that the updates have been so few and far between in the past few months.

Hopefully this update comes out within days of the other one, because I usually find fight scenes easier to write than worldbuilding/character development. Things have been moving veeery slowly with this book, and I bet a bunch of you are like "Julia, get to the point!" And I'm like, "I'm tryyyyinggggg"

I HAVE an idea for where this story is going. It's not anything solid, but hopefully sometime within the next few days I should be fixing that. Some things I already know for certain, but I'm going to find it difficult to tie in, etc etc. I've been thinking of asking one of my unbiased friends to beta for me, but I'm not sure if they can bc they're all super busy, so bear with me, k?

I DESPERATELY want to finish this book, so don't feel like I'm giving up on it. This is my baby, my brainchild, and should be the longest thing I've ever worked on. Consequently, this is going to be the hardest thing I've ever worked on.

I don't mention this enough, but I love every single one of you for coming back to read this. I know how hard it is to keep interest in a story that updates once every three months, and all of you own my whole heart for that, so thank you ❤️

- Julia


Kisame Hoshigaki was someone that Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze didn't love thinking about.

In fact, Naruto preferred to keep the man as far away from his thoughts as possible, usually.

Unfortunately, when the man showed up at his house, there really wasn't much one could do to block him and the horrible memories from his mind.

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