[09] Blamed For Murder

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"Now remember class when throwing a kunai you must focus on the target you're aiming for with no distractions in your mind." Emperor Jung explained to his students who sat silently taking in his lessons. "Yes Taehyung." He called out to the young thirteen-year-old boy who raised his hand.

"What happens when we're distracted?" Taehyung asked.

"Well, chances of you hitting your target is greatly limited." He answered the corner of his left lip lifting in a half-smile.

"Stupid." A boy mumbled next to Taehyung making a cat-eyed girl glare at his back.

"Emperor Jung, Jimin said I'm stupid!" Taehyung yelled making Jimin instantly panic.

"Yah I was playing!" Jimin quickly reassured tackling Taehyung down clasping his palm on Taehyung's lips shushing him from speaking further.

Emperor Jung laughed at the childish banter. "Emperor we have encountered injured outsiders just in front of the gates." An anbu elite announced washing away the emperor's happy demeanor.

"Sorry kids but I must attend something. Practice your kunai throwing skills then head home." He told the students who cheered rushing toward the weapon area.


A tall girl continuously threw kunai knives at the wooden targets remembering the drilling exercises her father had taught her. "Wow Lisa you're good." Jisoo astonishingly praised observing Lisa's talent, this made Lisa beam gleefully at her compliment.

Taehyung coolly threw a kunai which hit the edge of the painted cherry blossom causing him to slump his shoulders.

Jennie dreamingly sighed as she watched Taehyung continue to practice. "He's so perfect." She gushed making her friend beside her fake a throw-up sound.

"Unnie he's just a boy?" Chaeyoung muttered tilting her head while she attentively eyed Taehyung to see what was special about him.

Jennie nudged Chaeyoung playfully, "He's not just any boy, he said he's going to become an elite for Gucci." She said still in a daze over his presence.

"For Gucci?" Chaeyoung repeated seeing as Taehyung completely missed the target. "Yeah he's dreaming."

"Hey Nini when are you going to stop lying around and practice for once." Jimin teased twirling a kunai on his index finger. He noticed that Jennie was just watching Taehyung the whole time.

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