Chapter 2

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By the time I got home, my body was aching. My hands shook, and my head pounded. My hopes of it being a normal wasp dwindled. Thankfully, my mother was out and my father was working. So, I didn't have to deal with them. The world started to spin as I made it to my room. I collapsed on my bed, and sleep took over me.

My eyes shot open to the sound of yelling. Dad and Mom. Damn it. My head finally felt better, and now I knew I was going to get a headache from these two. I glanced at my clock, 8:57 am. Even bigger problem, I was late to school. I had about a half hour run before I'd reach the school. If I walked downstairs they would know I overslept. I quickly stripped of yesterday's clothes, and dug through my drawer to find a new set. I stopped in front of my mirror, pulling on my pants. I went to put on my shirt, but stopped, noticing something. Looking in the mirror, my once non-muscular body had changed. I now had abs and toned muscles. What the hell did that wasp do to me? The sound of footsteps in the hallway, broke me from my trance. I quickly opened my window and threw my bag out, then threw on my shirt. Getting out of my window was pretty hard, thanks to my two story house. I've done it before, but this time I was on a clock. My door handle twisted, and in a panic I jumped, from my rested position on the window sill. Expecting to hit the ground hard, I braced my body. When no impact came, I opened my shut eyes. I was hovering, a small buzz filled my ears. I looked behind me to see 4 wings. Two on each side. What the fuck? Wings? I had wings. Unsure of how to move down, I started to panic. What if someone saw me? I could be taken to labs. Be experimented on. My lungs started to feel heavy. I needed to stop, I needed to get out of here. I took a shaky deep breath. I looked towards the ground, and tried to focus on moving towards it. The ground started to come closer, and my feet hit the ground. I smiled softly at my success. Hearing my dad's voice come to my open window, I bolted to the other side of the house. I realized I had an even bigger problem now. How do I get these to go away? Two big yellow protruding wings sprouting from my back, weren't exactly normal. As if they could hear me, they shrunk. I wrapped my hand around to feel my back, to see if they were still there. Feeling nothing, I let out a small sigh. What the heck was happening to me? My shirt was now torn, and I didn't have a spare on me. I pulled on my backpack concealing the tears, and ran to school. Hoping I still had a shirt in my locker.

Thankfully, I did. I made it just in time for lunch. I found my normal spot at the loner table. Peter was across the room, sitting alone as usually. A pit of regret filled my stomach. There were only a few days of school left, I could be friends with him. After all, he was really nice, the only thing was Flash and his goons. I really didn't want to be a target, but Peter's been a target since freshman year. Now with whatever that wasp gave me, I could protect myself. Flash would be running like a baby. Peter's basically only had Harry. Peter was the type of kid who knew what it was like to be alone. We were similar in many ways, but, then again, very different. Before I could continue my thoughts, something flashed before my eyes. Mary Jane slipping. This day just keeps getting weirder and weirder. I looked over to Peter, and watched him catch a falling Mary Jane. Woah. Did I just see the future? I remember the tour guide saying something about precognition, I must've gained that.

Peter shot up out of his seat and left, a lunch tray followed behind him. An angry Flash followed behind him. Peter's about to get his ass handed to him. Everyone followed, I stayed farther back. When a crowd formed around Peter's locker, curiosity won the better of me. I moved to get to the front. I watched as Peter easily dodged Flash's punches. One of Flash's friends got behind Peter and lunged at him, I should step in. No one else showed any signs of helping. Peter jumped flipping above Flash and his goon. Peter landed, and looked towards Flash and his friend. Holy crap, Peter's got more to him than meets the eyes. Flash's friend looked at him, and bolted. I was wrong. Flash would be the one getting his ass handed to him. Flash moved towards Peter, striking quickly. Peter dodged what he could and blocked what he couldn't. Peter could easily take down Flash, but I was done living in my bubble. I was done being a nobody. I didn't want to just be the quiet kid in the back. I wanted to get out of my bubble, and that started with not giving a shit if I was a target. Moving quickly, when Flash left himself open, I grabbed his fist and twisted it behind his back.

"Back off, asshat." I said, pushing him forward.

He flew farther than I expected, causing me to stare in disbelief. Strength too. Whatever they did to that wasp was incredible. The crowd went silent. Peter looked at me, and whispered a thank you. I lowered my voice just so Peter would hear.

"To be honest you probably didn't need help, I've just wanted to do that since freshman year."

He smiled as the crowd left. They seemed disappointed that Peter didn't get his face bashed in.

"There's more to you than meets the eye, huh?" Peter said, breaking the silence.

"No, not really, I'm just some quiet, weird kid that stays away from people." I joked.

"So, if you stay away from people, what makes me so special?" He asked, joking along with me.

"You're actually a good guy, and you really don't see that in people anymore." I answered honestly.

He smiled, but then something dawned on him.

"I gotta go. I promised my Uncle I'd help him with something. It was nice talking to you, Nova. We should hang out sometime." Peter turned to leave.

In the spur of the moment I did something I never considered doing before.

"Peter." He turned and looked at me questioningly.

I quickly pulled out a pen and paper from my bag, and quickly wrote.

"Here." I handed him the paper. "My number."

I smiled and walked away before he could say anything.

~~Hi, Fallen_Angel here. Hope y'all are enjoying so far. Have a great day. Be good people.~~

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