Chapter 10

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I awoke to the sound of sirens outside. Pulling myself out of bed, I looked out the window. Seven police cars zipped after a speeding car. I quickly pulled on my suit and ran up the hallway stairs to the roof. My feet left the ground as I chased after the speeding car. As I was chasing, I heard the sound of my masked friend.

"Bee, what's going on?"

"Some sort of chase. They're following a blue car. I think the driver's gonna go east."

"I'm gonna try cutting the guy off. Stay behind him, in case I mess up."

"Got it."

I kept heading north as Spiderman went east. My prediction was confirmed when the driver went east. It took Spiderman a few minutes before he cut the driver off. The car crashed into a barricade, stirring up a lot of dirt. The perfect cover for someone to escape. The police made a semi circle around the vehicle. I paused. Something felt off. Where was Spiderman? My stomach churned as I heard a gunshot. One singular gunshot.

There was an abandoned building right near the wreckage, and that's where the gunshot came from. I was about to head in when the door to the roof burst open. A man pulled a woman along with him. A gun was pointed to her head. Her body was trembling and tears streamed down her face. The gunshot. Who had the man hurt? And where the hell was Spiderman? My body went numb. Did he shoot Spiderman? No, he couldn't have. Spiderman was smart, he wouldn't die from one guy. Yet, a part of me knew Spiderman could be bleeding out on the floor somewhere.

Stop. I needed to stop.The woman needed help, and I was going to help her. I hadn't been spotted and I was going to use that to my advantage. I flew around behind the man, making sure no one saw. I landed on the roof, and looked over the man. I had one shot to save this woman. It needed to be perfect. I could aim for a vital organ, but that would make me a murder. I could hit him anywhere and wait for the venom to set in, but it wouldn't set in fast enough. He was unpredictable, he could use those few seconds of consciousness to shoot the woman. I was at a loss, I couldn't think of anything that would work.

Then my lightbulb went off, I could hit his arm holding the gun. He'd drop the gun for sure, and then the sleeping agent would knock him out. This was my best chance, yet the hardest choice. I had to be incredibly accurate. One inch to the left and I'd kill the man. One inch to the right and I'd miss him completely and he'd kill the woman.

I took a deep breath, holding up my arm. I aimed at his arm. It was now or never. I released a stinger. Everything seemed to slow down as I watched it fly through the air. Then, finally, it made an impact, but I missed his arm. His head was completely intact. Instead, I hit the gun from his hand. It fell to the ground, and the man spun around, looking at me. He pulled the woman closer to him as he backed up to the ledge. He looked down, considering the jump.

"Let me go and the woman lives."

His eyes were dead cold. If he jumped, I couldn't catch them both, nor did I know if I could make it in time to save each of them. My mind raced. Then, I caught the familiar colors of blue and red on a roof top not far away. He gave me a nod. He could catch them with his webs. All I needed to do was give the man a push without him knowing what was waiting for him. I took a few steps forward.

"You know I can't do that."

I took a few more steps. The man became anxious and glanced over the edge. He took a step back and pulled the woman down with him. I heard two webs hit a solid. I walked to the edge, looking down. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. Hanging there was both the woman and the man.

I flew over to the roof where Spiderman was standing.The second my feet touched ground, I ran to him, wrapping him in a hug. He tensed but softened and returned the hug.

"You ever disappear on me again, and I'll personally make sure you're dead." I said as I nuzzled my head into the crook of his neck.

"I won't do it again, Bee."

As we stood there in each other's arms, it started to rain. Shit. Everyone had their weaknesses. Mine was water. My wings couldn't work when they were wet. I quickly put my wings away. My body must've tensed, because immediately Siderman knew something was wrong.

"What's wrong?"

"My wings don't mix well with water."

"Oh, um, I'm assuming you don't have a problem with heights, right?"

I shook my head, confused on why he was asking. He shot a web and held onto it with one hand, as he extended the other to me. I took it and he pulled me onto his chest.

"Hold on tight."

He stepped up to the ledge and stepped off. I closed my eyes, ready for an impact, but it never came. Slowly, I opened my eyes to see the lights of the city passing by. He continued to swing along until we made it to an area with cover from the rain. He let go of me when our feet hit solid ground. His warmth still lingered for a few seconds.

"I'm gonna have to give you a ride now aren't I."

I smiled, and he laughed.

"I wouldn't object."

He walked closer, resting his arms on my shoulders. I wrapped mine around his waist. We spent a few seconds this way before I made a move. I wrapped my fingers around his mask and pulled up enough to see his lips. He did the same with mine as I closed the distance between us. Our lips moved in sync, and then we parted. We didn't stay apart for long, locking lips again. This time hungrier than before. I never wanted to part and he didn't either, but we both had jobs to get to. So, we went our separate ways, with a promise to see each other tonight. 

~~Hi, Fallen_Angel here. Have a good day. Be good people.~~

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