Chapter 6

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I stood on the roof, looking over the city for any signs of danger. The fresh air was calming. My suit held up so far. My wings comfortably moved in and out and didn't damage the suit. The mask was easy to breath and see through and concealed my identity. I opted for the less colorful option, so black was the base color and thick yellow stripes were on the front. The top was crop top, so the cloth was less likely to get caught on something. I smiled to myself, this felt so freeing. It wasn't a feeling I was used to, but I loved it already.

"You thinking about how amazing I am?"

A voice said from behind me, I quickly turned, looking at the culprit.

"Amazing's a strong word, Spiderman." I answered, looking back down at the streets.

"You've been reading the newspapers, haven't you?"

He came up to my side. The newspapers weren't so happy with Spiderman, or me for that matter. We were considered menaces.

"They're wrong about you. You're the exact thing this city needs." I said, looking towards him.

"I'd say the same thing about you, Bee."

I laughed at his nickname for me.

"You know technically, I would be considered a wasp."

"I'm still gonna call you Bee."

I shook my head, looking down. I crossed my arms.

"Says the man who's literally some people's biggest fear."

"What me? A giant man spider. No." He said sarcastically, a hint of playfulness in his voice.

A comfortable silence fell between us. We glanced over the streets, looking for anyone who would need help. Curiosity got the better of me and I broke the silence.

"You powers, are you only able to shoot webs?"

I looked towards him.

"A magician never reveals his secrets. What about you? Are you only able to fly?"

"I've got a trick up my sleeve." I joked.

Before we could continue our conversation, sirens drew our attention to the bank on the corner. We stood from our now seated position. I summoned my wings.

"Guess I'm about to see some of those tricks."

He said, swinging on a web to the bank. He really was the type of guy to go head first into danger. That would get him killed some day. I followed after him.

I scanned through the windows. At least three armed men, four maybe five hostages. Spiderman went in through the front instead of finding a stealthy way. Gunshots fired as he took down two men. I quickly subdued the other.

"We make a good team." Spiderman said, coming up to me.

Behind him, the door to the vault opened and two armed men came out, trained on us. I pushed Spiderman to the side, aiming and releasing two stingers. Each man went still, as the poison from my stingers coursed through their veins. I accidentally cut myself with one once. The venom had some sort of sleeping agent in it. I passed out for nearly six hours. The men fell to the ground, their guns slipping from their hands. I walked forward, unloading each gun.

"I guess you really do have a trick up your sleeve." Spiderman said. "They aren't, ya know?"

"Dead?" He nodded. "No, just asleep for the next few hours."

I released another stinger, letting it fall into my hand. I used it to cut the hostages loose and told one to call the police.

Spiderman and I then left, heading to a new section of the city. We sat on the edge of the roof for a few hours, scanning the city.

"I'm gonna call it a night." I said, standing from my spot.

He stood quickly, coming closer to me.

"Night, Bee."

He came close enough I would've been able to feel his breath if he hadn't had his mask on. I fought the oncoming blush. Thankfully he wouldn't be able to see the reddening of my face. I looked at his mask, memorizing every curve, every detail. What was it with this man that made me feel this way? Realizing we were just staring at each other, I quickly backed away. His body language showed that he was hurt by my sudden movement.

"Night, Bug." I smiled as I watched his body language go back to happy.

I summoned my wings and flew away. 

~~Hi, Fallen_Angel here. Sorry this one was a little short. Have a good day. Be good people.~~

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