2- Dating (but horrible)

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Russia got a text on his phone, from an unknown number, it was America, of course. He had announced that it was him, and he was interested in chatting with Russia, since he had nothing better to do. Russia agreed and they began to talk. They were gonna hang out later that day, it sounded more like a date, and it was a date, but Russia didn't process it as a date, and took it just as hanging out. But it was a very casual date, nothing fancy, just going to the park near by the church.

America held his phone by his chest, counting this as a victory, and he wasn't gonna scare off Russia. Which was actually hard to do, since his childhood was pretty rough. Russia thought he had to bring something for America because he had friends now, and he went and got a pretty flower for America. America had a whole bouquet of flowers for Russia waiting as he was dressed in nicer clothes. Russia just wore a light blue striped shirt and some jeans, putting bandages on his arm so America couldn't see all the scars USSR had made from beating him and a couple of bite marks.


It was time for the 'date' and Russia had gotten everything ready. He walked to the park, where America was already there. He got surprised by the bouquet of flowers America had given him, whereas America still appreciated the purple tulip Russia gave him. America looked up, "thank you, you're very thoughtful," America said and Russia was blushing and slightly sweating, "t-thanks." Russia felt embarrassed about his gift, because it was only a flower, not a bouquet of flowers. America still appreciated it tho

Russia held his flowers, looking away while America scooted closer and began to flirt with the other country, mostly trying to figure out more things about Russia. Russia answered a few questions, but he didn't understand 'why does America hate my father, but love me?' Russia pondered while he felt America's hand on his thigh. America huffed and looked down, asking the question and America looked a bit surprised, "well I—uhm— geez I don't really even know!" America nervously giggled and looked away, Russia put his hand on top of America's.


Russia and America were texting eachother again, Russia still hadn't picked up that it was a date. America was texting and gushing out to Russia, while Russia responded the best he could. Then, suddenly, America asked Russia if he wanted to be with him! Obviously, Russia said yes and he was ecstatic. Russia was in his normal clothes while America was in his baggy pajamas. They felt like little kids again, nothing to worry about, and they were the last people on planet Earth. But alas, the feelings eventually faded away, but the butterflies in the stomach stayed. America instantly called Russia, and they shared eachother's feelings for eachother more in depth. Once they were done, Russia laid on his bed. Staring at the muted, beige colored ceiling with the broken ceiling fan and a crack, it was all too familiar to him while Russia's intrusive thoughts filled his head. He blacked out, only to wake up moments later from the sound of his dad's ghost voice yelling at him.

America sat on his bed, criss cross applesauce, holding his phone closely and sighing while closing his eyes. America looked down at his bed, "I can't wait to see him again!" America couldn't stop grinning and got in bed, going to sleep.


The next day, Russia was sleepless as he got up and sat in his kitchen, hearing his dad scream at him from the afterlife about America, going to help Belarus with breakfast. America was still happy about last night, going and telling his parents and brothers. America got a sign of disapproval from Britain and France, and America got a bit bummed out and told Russia.


Russia sat on the floor, convinced he just got beat, but Belarus still sat at the table and heard Russia tremble in fear before actually getting up and walking away. Russia threw his ushanka on the floor, covering his eye with his arm and covering his entire bed. He was still trembling in fear while he got scolded, Belarus didn't know what was going on. He was blind, Russia was hallucinating while he got a couple texts in his phone, he slid his phone off the bed and it fell on the old hardwood floors. It make a loud sound but Russia was louder, somehow, just by sobbing and shaking.

America didn't understand why Russia was suddenly ignoring him, but he learnt his lesson from this, don't repeatedly text him. America calmly took his phone and laid it on his nightstand, going downstairs to make a nice dinner for himself, still completely unaware of Russia's probably panic attack.


Russia had blown up America's phone, desperate for an answer. But America wouldn't reply until a couple hours later, relieving Russia. But then Russia had to explain that he was having a panic attack because of auditory hallucinations n whatnot, so then America felt guilty and concerned. America huffed, "I'm sorry Ruski I—" America cut himself off in text and didn't finish, thinking he was dumb to even try to do that, or worse. Russia told him it was fine, really! There was nothing to worry about, because that was in the past. But it was only a couple hours ago? It didn't matter to America, he still worried about Russia way to much. He took off in his car and came over, slightly disgusted by the house. It smelled of ice and dead rats. America knocked on the door and Belarus opened, slightly hitting his nose and greeting the other, somehow, and then America asked where Russia was. But Russia was in the hallway to his room, walking up to America and trying to excuse himself, "no no! It's fine, really, I'm fine now!" His face was tear stained, heavily tear stained.

America sped walked over to him, and held his face, where he kissed both of Russia's cheeks as the door closed, America's hands were now wet due to the tears. Russia appreciated it, "thanks, but—" Russia yawned and huffed, "I think I need some alone time." Russia said, knowing he already had alone time. He didn't want alone time, he wanted America by his side to 'protect' him from USSR. America nodded and pulled back, going to the door but Russia pulled him back immediately, caging America in his string grasp and nuzzling him harshly, ushanka covering America's face and head. Russia eventually relocated to the bedroom, where America was still trapped. They both loved it, Russia finally had somebody who would love him for who he was, and not just for 'haha funny communism'. And America was happy because he found somebody who would understand him, almost, and not just try to get with him because of the money and protection America offered.

It seemed like they would work.

1192 words

Drink some WATAH!!!!
Or don't, dehydration is cool, too. I guess.....

Author's note:

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