3- Stockholm

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After Russia and America's little cuddle session, America escaped Russia's grasp, giving him a light smile and going through the hallway. Russia stayed in his room, but America could feel a cold, almost ghostly grasp on his shoulders, then a sting. He fell to the ground, losing consciousness very quickly, he tried to move and squirm but saw a familiar red face tower over him before he went unconscious. Russia jumped up, going to see what the thud was. Maybe Belarus had bumped into something? Russia walked out of the room slowly and saw America's legs getting dragged to the kitchen. Russia quickly started to run and fell in the kitchen, "wha—" Russia stopped at the sight, the Soviet Union standing over the smaller country, holding him by his (compared to Soviet Union) tiny hand. Russia's eye widened and started to breathe heavily, "LET HIM GO!" Russia demanded, grabbing a knife and shoving it towards Soviet Union. Russia only went to Soviet Union's hip, and Russia was 24"2, whilst Soviet Union was 50"8.

America was knocked out cold, Soviet Union fended off Russia by grabbing his belt, "you're still nothing to me," Soviet growled, holding his belt up while Russia ran away, beginning to cry again. Soviet used to care about his kids, it was only whenever America and Third Reich came into the picture that he began to care about them less, seeing them more as things rather than actual children. Soviet wanted America back when he was alive to be with him, make him happy, take care of his kids with him. But he couldn't have that, even after he helped America, he still got denied. What did Soviet do? He didn't understand. The Cold War was nothing, and he originally wanted Reich for the same purpose. But they dated for a while, then got denied when East and West Germany came about, a few years before the war. Soviet Union had fallen into a depression, and just wanted somebody.

Soviet missed the old him. The old Soviet he craved, he wanted. Maybe this could be his chance for redemption. Soviet dragged America down to the basement, the door wailed loudly and scratched the old and dusty floor when it opened. America was placed into a bed, one ankle getting handcuffed to the bedpost, all the fallen Union wanted was happiness and love, something the Russian Empire didn't give him. Something Alaska, his elder brother, got from America. He craved it, and he would do anything to get it. Soviet Union desperately wanted it, even going to measures like these. He would hypnotize America if he had to. Why didn't America love him like he loved America?


America finally woke up, taking in the odor of the rotten room, where was he? He didn't know. Where were his states? Soviet Union sat by the bed, on the floor curled and holding his knees. He stared at America, his only visible eye, had a hammer and sickle in it as a pupil and Iris. America looked at Soviet, "where the hell am I?" He groaned and moved, freaking out when he felt the chain on his foot, Soviet gave him a dull look, "what's up with you and Russia? I just wanna know," Soviet had a horrible frown, and he stunk. America gave him a dull look, "why?" Soviet's accent was as thick as could be, and you could hardly understand him or his English. Soviet gave him a dull and empty glare, "just tell me." Soviet tried to have a sweet tone, but it didn't work out, "fine. Fine! We're like a thing, y'know?" America said and looked up at Soviet Union, who had more of an angry frown, now. America looked away, "you're not gonna do anything to him, right?!" America started to get worried when he saw Soviet exit the room, he tried to get out of his lock but there wasn't anything to help him in this situation.

Soviet Union stomped up to Russia, who was hiding in a closet. He slammed open the closet and pulled Russia out by his sweater collar, "ты думаешь, ты можешь просто так отнять у меня Америку, сука?" ((you think you can just take America away from me, bitch?)) Soviet snarled and Russia had a more sorrowful look. Russia was too young to understand that Soviet actually wanted to have a thing with America. Russia was too young to understand. Russia didn't say anything, as he knew that would just escalate the situation. Russia shook his head, suspended in the air like a deflated balloon. Soviet Union took his belt off again and threw Russia to the ground, "БРЕД СИВОЙ КОБЫЛЫ!" ((BULLSHIT!)) The USSR screamed, his yells filled the old house as he stomped on Russia's stomach, Russia squealed in pain, covering his face and trembling harshly. He removed Russia's hand from his face and slapped him harshly, ridiculing him while treating him like a punching bag. Russia begged for Soviet Union to stop, wailing and sobbing uncontrollably. Soviet Union didn't stop, he was ruthless, he really didn't care about his kids.

After Soviet was done, he stood in front of Russia with an evil grin. Russia was curled into a fetal position, shivering and quaking with fear, sobbing everywhere and getting his snot on the floor whilst Soviet Union went to walk to America, who was still messing with the lock. Soviet Union stomped in and put his belt back on, going to America and stopping him, America looked at him, "what did you do to him?!" America had very obviously heard the screams of agony and pain writhing from Russia. America quivered himself in the palm of Soviet's hand, "I didn't do anything! Now shut up and let me love you," Soviet sternly said and laid down on the bed, it was perfect for America, but way off for Soviet. Half of his body hung off the bed, but this was supposed to be for America's comfort, not his. America frowned, trying to get out of Soviet's grasp but it was too strong.

Soviet grunted as he turned America around and took America's sunglasses off, which exposed his eye he lost in the American revolution. America tried to hide his beautifully red and blue eye from Soviet, the eye socket, too. But Soviet pried them off with ease as he hypnotized him. His own eyes swirled around, forcing America to watch the display as his attitude changed. His conscious didn't, but his mindset and attitude towards Soviet did. America huddled up next to the younger country and held him in an embrace.

Russia was still crying on the floor, his legs hurt too bad to for him to get up. He wanted to go and cuddle America but lord knows what Soviet had already done to him at this point. Soviet Union laughed and looked at America, "you look much more beautiful without your sunglasses, I don't see how you can wear them all day." Soviet said softly and sighed, caressing America's face with his finger. America looked down and blushed, "because, I only have one eye," America said meekly while Soviet Union got up, taking America off the chain and stuffing him in his pocket, "don't move." Soviet Union demanded and walked out, going back to Russia. Soviet Union looked down at his pained son, "Как вы должны быть сильной страной, когда вы все еще плачаете на полу? Ослабление, я не могу поверить, что моя родословная привела к этому," ((How can you be a strong country when you still cry on the floor? Weakling, I can not believe that my bloodline led to this)) he scoffed while Russia looked up at him, "Я-я-я, это больно слишком плохо!" ((I-I-I, it hurts too bad!)) Russia cried out in a dreaded sob. "Whe- Где Америка?" ((Where's America?)) Russia looked at his dad, seeing the grin on his face made him want to throw up. It was disgusting, he was disgusted, he knew what Soviet did to America. And he dreaded what was going to happen next.

Soviet grinned and laughed evilly, watching his poor son cry in the ground as he left the house, seemingly going nowhere while he walked down the road.

"That stupid capitalist pig is mine, now, Russia."

1393 words.

Idk bruh I just read a whole fan fiction and now I'm in an angsty mood, so have this bs yay!!!!!!!!!!

Drink water rn, bro!

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