4- Like father, like son

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Soviet Union walked with America in his pocket until he got to a certain place. Soviet Union pulled America out, it was eerily familiar, but America couldn't quite put his finger on it. Soviet Union took him inside, and America began to become emotional. He couldn't remember what this place was, or if he even knew what it was. But it hurt him to see it, like a deep wound inside of your heart. America tried his hardest to remember, but his heart was heavy. It sank to the bottom of his chest, he clutched his chest as he wandered around. His tears making his neck wet while they trickled on the floor, leaving a wet trail for Soviet to follow. Soviet watched him and grinned sadistically, only following America as he watched him explore the house. It was his old house, the one he lived in when he was a child. All the memories, they came back to him as he went to his old room. It was empty, seems as if France and Britain really did take what he didn't when he moved out. The house was silent. The only things to be heard was the whimpering of America, and Soviet's boots as they moved throughout the house. This was part of Soviet Union's disgusting, disgusting plan.

America went and stumbled to Soviet, clinging onto his left arm like a baby koala as Soviet left the place. Meanwhile, back at the house, Russia had gained the strength to stand up, as he called America to see if he was okay. But America didn't pick up. Russia called three or four times but eventually gave up. If America was even still alive, he would have to fight for him back, now that America is attached to Soviet. He has to get Soviet to unhypnotize him now, because Russia's hypnosis skills suck, so that option was out of the window. If America was dead, then Russia would probably spiral into a depression. But, now, it was up to Russia to save America. Because whatever Russia said about America, Soviet would not believe. Russia had to do something! Soviet walked inside the house, sitting down on the old and broken couch, to comfort America. USSR gave Russia a glare when he saw him standing up, and stumbling over to him and America. Russia tried to comfort America and figure out what happened before getting slapped away as a warning, this gave Russia an idea! Maybe he could get his dad to hit him hard enough that America would try to get away from him. So Russia kept aggregating Soviet Union. And it worked. Soviet sat the smaller country down and pushed Russia to the ground, "leave me alone or I'll make you." Soviet growled, Russia was scared, but he had to do this! America had slid off the couch, going back to Soviet, where he saw Russia trying to get up with a smart remark, before USSR stomped him in the chest, making him lose his breath.

America gave him a look of shock, and Soviet turned around, America ran away and around the couch, while Soviet tried to catch him in his hands. Russia smirked, grabbing America at just the right time and running out of the house, America was in the palm of his hand and fighting harshly to get out, thinking it was Soviet instead of Russia. Soviet chased Russia up and down the street, trying to get Russia so he could beat him....or worse. The Soviet Union yelled at Russia to come back, in which Russia kept running with what breath he had left and made it to the city, falling to the ground whilst Soviet picked him up by his shirt collar, "you embarrass me." He snarled and began to run back home, Russia held America close to him, who had calmed down and realized this was Russia instead of Soviet. Russia shoved America in his pants, in the tight part where he had a belt to hide America, hopefully.

America simply looked around, not really being able to move or breathe. But they got back to the house soon enough where Russia was body searched and stripped of his clothes. Soviet carefully inspected the clothes, trying to find America. He looked through any tiny crevices that America could be in. Like folds or the belt loop. Russia was only in his underwear, Soviet stood up and looked at Russia, "take it off," Soviet demanded. Russia gave him a sad and scared look. Russia slowly took his underwear off, clenching his legs together, Soviet forcing them open and inspecting him and the underwear. Soviet Union gave Russia a dirty look, while Russia rushed to get his underwear back on. Soviet went and shook Russia's clothes violently, there was a loud thud sound, something fell out of Russia's pants. Soviet inspected the phone before shaking the pants again, to reveal more goodies, and then a more dull splat hit the floor. It was America, who was trying to process what just happened. Russia and Soviet both reached for him, Soviet had an evil grin. Russia got to him first, since America was closer to him and he clutched him in his hand again.

Soviet grabbed Russia's chin, trying to hypnotize him into leaving him and America alone, so they could.....do......things. Russia quickly shoved America into Soviet Union's field of view. Soviet officially unhypnotized America, and Russia tried to get away but Soviet's grip only got stronger. Soviet could manage with America as Russia clenched his eyes shut and got let go of. But America was taken away. Russia gave up, he couldn't overpower his dad, he wish he could. But he was just a frail and weak little boy in an adult's body. America was put back in the basement, whereas Russia got beat again after putting on his clothes. Then Soviet went and found Belarus, who was peacefully reading, and began to beat him too. Belarus's screams and Russia's sobs could be heard throughout the house, America snatched his sunglasses up and put them back on, messing with the lock on his foot.

Soviet came back down to them, wearing a black sweater, going to sit with America. Soviet looked down on him and put his hand on America's thigh, "are you alright?" Soviet questioned, America just nodded and Soviet went back up, locking the door. "Good."


Russia hurriedly fiddled with the door lock, he had taken a wire and opened the door fairly quickly, grabbing and snatching up America. Russia tried to hypnotize him, but failed since he was too upset and he wasn't as good at it as his dad was. Russia slammed the door shut after running out with America and went to his room quickly, holding America tightly as America gladly snuggled into Russia's chest, which made Russia feel better.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2021 ⏰

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