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Todoroki was just shocked and sad so he just ignored everyone all day. When it came to leave, shoto went home and opened  the door only seeing his dad waiting  for him. "Shoto. how can my son be so skinny and scrawny From now On We are training." Endeavour said "great, just great" shoto muttered  under his breath "get ready ather dinner. I Expect  you to see me in the basement" endeavour said as walking  off

Ather shoto was done eating  he headed to the basement  like his father said, when he got there he saw his dad waiting  on him.
They started  training which left shoto with bruises "YOU DIDN'T  EVEN HIT BACK, YOU SLEEP  HERE TONIGHT."Endeavour  said as walking  out basement. Todoroki was sore and wanted to cry, he was scared of the dark and kept seeing figures out of the mind, Todoroki got scared and passed  out


"Uh, shoto! Breakfast is ready" Fuyumi  came in the basement, shoto woke up and walked with fuyumi "I'm sorry, I really thought dad has changed

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"Uh, shoto! Breakfast is ready" Fuyumi  came in the basement, shoto woke up and walked with fuyumi "I'm sorry, I really thought dad has changed.. I guess not" Fuyumi said while playing  with her fingers, when they got at the dinner table with the whole family, execpt rei "So... how's work  dad!.. did you beat any villains..?" Fuyumi  said trying  to make things better "We aren't gonna pretend last night didn't  happen!"Natsuo said and stood up "Natsuo its oka-" Fuyumi  tried calming him down but she got cut off "NO THE FUCK IT ISN'T, I'M  TIRED OF BEING  QUIET. DAD DROVE TOUYA  INSANE TO BE AN VILLAIN  WHAT DO YOU THINKS GONNA HAPPEN TO SHOTO?!?" Natsuo yelled "whatever boy, I'm  going to work" Endeavour  said as walking  out
"Thank you natsuo." Shoto said grabbing  his backpack  heading out to the bus stop "Hey uh, dude what happened to your neck?" Denki asked
"Oh, I just got hurt." Shoto said then started looking  back forward. Soon the bus came and everyone  got on, Shoto sat in the front  since the back was always noisy, he put his ear plugs in and started to listen to July by noah cyrus he feel asleep on something  soft.. warm.. comfty... OMG ITS..ITS

363 words

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